Example sentences of "on a few " in BNC.

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1 As in the earlier books , the bravura set-piece dominates , and the most memorable concerns the crates in which the Portuguese have packed up their belongings , and which were eventually shipped out of Africa — Kapuscinski was to stumble on a few of them in Portugal , sunk , as it were , in the sand .
2 The cleaner should be tested on a few pieces to ensure its suitability .
3 I was now at a bit of a loss as to what to do next , so I wandered upstairs to the room that housed the books covering my subject , just to check up on a few things .
4 You 'll have to go into a local hostel temporarily — but that 's only so they can check on a few things .
5 Modern British architects worth their salt , or future knighthoods , can be counted on a few colour spreads of the Prince of Wales 's bestselling book A Vision of Britain .
6 Therefore the few staff sit up late at night to prepare lectures on a few things they know about and a lot of things they know not much about , and spend their time keeping one page ahead of the class and depending on the textbook .
7 In effect this is already starting to happen through television concentration on a few top clubs with only a brief nod in the direction of the rest .
8 I step on a few and watch them crack in the middle like a sheet of glass .
9 See what happened overleaf when we went north to practise our own floral wizardry on a few of those bright young Mancunians …
10 Gordon Callander : Much too junior to have responsibilty for planning , but it ‘ came to rest on his desk ’ ; nobody more senior ever reviewed plan he set out ‘ in handwriting on a few sheets of paper ’ .
11 Rather than focusing on a few substances which are painted in lurid colours , the specialists say , the goal should be a workplace free of compulsive chemical use of all kinds .
12 Hence , the ‘ Bow-Wave Phenomenon ’ turned into the ‘ Barrack Square Syndrome ’ , in which the only way to mop up money was to spend it on a few quickly and easily let contracts , like refurbishing barrack squares and military roads !
13 Even with the advantages of other income sources , studios depend on a few hits to pay for a large number of duds .
14 They built hub-and-spoke route systems based on a few large airports , rather than a web of direct , non-stop flights .
15 On a few occasions Frankie had found the courage to scale the perimeter wall to look for rats in the mouth of the tunnel .
16 She 's cast off Charlene 's greasy overalls and pulled on a few slinky numbers for this role .
17 Totalling £60m , two thirds on the housing side , one third on a few commercial developments , these combined pushed AMEC into a £9.9m loss for the year .
18 Although they were gruesome , the markets virtually ignored these widely expected figures to concentrate instead on a few signs of impending economic recovery , such as improved unemployment figures .
19 On a few of the more established family units there had been development into quite considerable contracting businesses which enabled the family to continue to live on or around the farm .
20 ‘ Ye can see me now , more 's the pity , ’ he grumbled as he pushed his way to the back , treading on a few feet in the process .
21 I do not suppose , for instance , that Brian Way imagined that teachers would adopt a ‘ shopping-list ’ method of conducting lessons based on a few arbitrarily chosen activities strung together for children to respond to in rapid succession .
22 This manifested itself quite dramatically on a few occasions when , the holding screws having sheared , the rail curled up behind the tank as it moved down the slope .
23 The Great Powers thus pressed their territorial control outwards to encompass for the first time virtually the whole surface of the globe , to centralize the world on a few centres of power .
24 Zirnheld succeeded in placing bombs on a few trucks , while Jellicoe sat beside the road and saw nothing .
25 On a few occasions other service-providers sought to refer clients directly to the project ; and very occasionally expressed the wish that the development officers could have acted more quickly with a client whose situation they felt needed immediate action .
26 The government argued that ‘ if real progress is to be made in tackling some of the major concentrations of problems , special efforts must be focused on a few cities in the next few years ’ ( HMSO , 1977 , p. 16 ) .
27 Each NIC has attempted to develop a broad industrial base to satisfy domestic demand and diversify exports so as to reduce reliance on a few major primary commodities , e.g. coffee , meat , rubber .
28 Those outside the card-playing school viewed her suspiciously because she seemed to get embarrassing crushes on a few of her colleagues .
29 So in our search for innovation we decided , without much conviction , to concentrate on a few of the rapidly developing fields , that is on the current fashions such as biotechnology , new materials , lasers and the like , but the emphasis was to be on supporting the research whose main objective was to improve understanding in these fields rather than on products .
30 Rent a horse or a motor bike and explore on a few leisurely sorties .
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