Example sentences of "on a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( a ) Aldeburgh Birthplace of the 18th-century poet George Crabbe and the home of Benjamin Britten , whose opera Peter Grimes , set on this coast , was based on a character in Crabbe 's poem The Borough .
2 So on a character cell terminal , through our X emulator and controller , we can deliver a
3 Motif style user interface , even on a character terminal .
4 They came from almost every variety of home , from one grandson of a duke to the son of someone who survived on a small-holding .
5 Provided your building comes with an adequate floor , you can stand this on a row of substantial timbers , or on a number of carefully laid paving slabs .
6 It is sometimes very strange to see an AIB Engineering Inspector and an RAF doctor with their heads down inside the wreckage of a crashed aircraft in the AIB hangar at Farnborough , arguing , discussing or merely agreeing that this or that component is not strong enough to sustain survivable crash forces on a row of seats or that a part of the galley constitutes a lethal hazard against which passengers could suffer injury in a crash .
7 ‘ Body shots are best , ’ he heard the long-ago voice of Sergeant Cribb saying , back at the IMC training camp , as he demonstrated various weapons and aiming techniques on a row of terrified ElleryCorp prisoners .
8 A sad old woman rose from her chair , as from a dais , to take their coats and hang them on a row of hooks nailed against a wall .
9 You 're all right if you can play a musical instrument one o' these one-string fiddles , Jew 's harp , ham-bone , play the comb , or one o' these sewing-machines ( gesticulates with his hands , pedals with his feet ) ; you can stick up a board in front of you saying ‘ Ex-Service Man ’ , ‘ Hero ’ , put on a row of medals — an' you can go into any of these back streets and nobody 'll stop you .
10 you know how you get those rows that are literally on a row ?
11 HE WOOED her with skew-whiff quotes from Shakespeare , pranced about in Chelsea football kit — minus the shorts — then bedded her on a futon with all the stamina of an 18-year-old .
12 Save £50 on a Cover Girl makeover , try new slimline recipes , and keep your clothes clean on holiday
13 A retinal fragment that included the fovea was mounted on a slide , was divided by two or three strokes of a razor blade , and was then partially dispersed by gentle pressure on a cover slip .
14 Within a day the vet phoned me with the news that the dog had two intact testicles ( a matter I 'd hardly been musing upon ) and was suffering from a bit of diarrhoea — but had been put on a milk diet which would soon clear it up .
15 John Arthur Johnson was born in 1878 and worked on a milk wagon , in livery stables , in bakers ' shops , at Galveston docks and in various other occupations while establishing himself as a boxer of some distinction .
16 The customers on a milk round are an obvious example of a special trade connection ; see Home Counties Dairies Ltd v Skilton [ 1970 ] 1 All ER 1227 and Wessex Dairies v Smith [ 1935 ] 2 KB 80 ; so are the clients of a solicitor : see Sanders v Parry [ 1967 ] 1 WLR 753 ; as is a person who uses an estate agent 's services : see Scorer v Seymour-Johns [ 1966 ] 3 All ER 347 .
17 THE MILK of human kindness flowed in Darlington yesterday when milkmen delivered goods for the Kostroma appeal on a milk float .
18 One boy on a milk round works from 5am till 7am and is paid £1.05 an hour .
19 Indeed an even more striking feature of the results was that the individuals examined were especially high on a measure of ‘ ego strength ’ , indicating a greater than average resistance to mental breakdown : the finding is particularly interesting because the latter is usually very low in subjects who deviate markedly on the clinical scales of tests like the MMPI .
20 The army put itself forward as the vehicle for such policies , and in taking radical domestic and international action the army could count on a measure of support from the rural community .
21 A proposal that public money should be spent on a measure which is likely to aggravate this position ( the low birth rate ) by making contraception universally available on request and thereby to affect adversely the continuity of the state , is one which we feel we can not endorse .
22 On a measure which , if applied to the Commons , would produce 100 per cent party unity , the figure for Congress fluctuates normally between 30 and 60 per cent ( see table 12.1 ) .
23 Most of the dressers were on a basic daily rate but some were paid on a measure of their work done .
24 The issue has already stirred strong passions in Wiltshire where County Councillors will be voting on a measure to ban foxhunting on all land under its control .
25 When McMillan was short by inches at the seventh , Smith drew the button and got two on a measure .
26 He listened — at first with a curious air of detachment , as if he was an observer from another civilisation , or someone whose own experience had come to an end , someone who was waiting to embark on a journey and looked at the world with vacant eyes , his mind already in transit .
27 She hurried away through the swing doors , then out again to tell Dot , more kindly , that her brother had gone on a journey .
28 When the bus started , they all crossed themselves , as I had seen nuns do in Ireland when setting out on a journey , however short .
29 When we are going on a journey to a strange country , our state of mind and the nature of our preparations are determined by what we think we shall find there and , in particular , by whether we have friends and relations living there .
30 It claimed that people feel more in control of their lives if they are inching forward on a journey , rather than waiting for something to happen .
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