Example sentences of "on the government " in BNC.

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1 RENEWED pressure has been placed on the Government to lengthen the summer season by bringing Britain up to European standards for public holidays .
2 Tourism industry leaders have called on the government to compensate them as well as the airlines .
3 A HEALTH scandal of unimaginable proportions is about to burst on the Government , experts believe .
4 Labour 's transport spokesman , John Prescott , called on the Government to rescue the project by taking it into public control .
5 Each for himself : David Blunkett on the Government 's inconsistency over collective self-help
6 Alongside the challenges of the Social Charter and the Community Charge he has to keep a firm grip on the Government 's sponsored schemes .
7 John Prescott , Labour 's transport spokesman , made a blistering attack on the Government 's under-investment in rail , and promised that Labour 's transport policies would be geared to preventing environmental damage .
8 It was four years since the last Plan of Work was published — an indication , surely , of how low on the Government 's list of priorities is the place of safety at work .
9 Their allegations include political manipulation of statistics , selective and misleading use of figures , failure to collect information which reflects badly on the Government 's record , and constraints on research .
10 Thus , his view on the Government 's education record is : good effort , but must do better .
11 Senior Conservative MPs have already protested about the move and called on the Government to foot the £650m bill or risk losing key marginal seats at the next general election .
12 PRESSURE on the Government to reconsider its strong opposition to full membership of the European Monetary System mounted yesterday after the authorities failed to arrest another slide in the pound .
13 More strikingly , Sir Geoffrey Howe , a stalwart of the heroic period of Thatcherism in the early 1980s , when she as Prime Minister and he as Chancellor of the Exchequer defied almost the entire economic establishment , has started to lay greater stress on the Government 's role in industry .
14 ‘ Do n't remove the accountability of Camden to their public , allowing them to blame all their ills on the Government . ’
15 There are two explanations put forward for why the King has relaxed his grip on the government .
16 Mr Colston-Hayter warns darkly that if laws are introduced to prevent all-night parties , the ‘ right to freedom of association ’ would be compromised , and calls on the Government ‘ committed to freedom ’ to reconsider .
17 France yesterday stepped up the pressure on the Government to join the ERM .
18 Protectionism ( exchange controls , import controls ) is likely to be extensively applied by developing countries , but it may still be relevant in an industrialised country which is suffering a high level of unemployment , with consequent pressure on the government to take economic measures to remedy this situation .
19 The verdict of one admiring authority on the government 's performance is that , ‘ In doing so , it has achieved the largest transfer of property since the dissolution of the monasteries under Henry VIII , a transfer from the state to its citizens . ’
20 This was a Labour vote of censure on the government 's acceptance of the proposals from the Top Salaries Review Board for large increases in the pay of senior public servants .
21 He added : ‘ That 's not an attack on the government . ’
22 ‘ The dividing line , ’ writes Ann Dummett in British Nationality Law , a Briefing paper on the Government 's Green Paper , ‘ between the two is to be almost exactly the same as the line which under the 1971 Immigration Act separates UK and colonies citizens with a right of entry to the UK ( patrials ) from those citizens who are subject to immigration control ( non-patrials ) . ’
23 From early on the government underpinned this advantage by laying down that certain ‘ national ’ events could not be contractually monopolized by either side .
24 And that , in turn , is likely to feed back on the Government in the form of pressures from the most irresistible of all Tory constituencies , the City .
25 Since then , the fundamentalists have been waging a steady war on the government , at one point demanding the resignation of the Education Minister because of his plans for reforming the teaching of Islam in schools .
26 He called on the Government to ensure that no more contaminated meat or milk is allowed to enter the food chain and demanded that all test results be published .
27 Chris Patten , the sensitive young Environment Secretary , who would have to wind-up this section of the Queen 's Speech debate , sat on the Government frontbench looking pale and terrified .
28 Dr Clark had tabled a motion with the Speaker , demanding an emergency statement on the Government 's failure to publish a list of the potentially unsafe microwaves .
29 The latest disclosures , a week after the Guardian published the National Audit Office 's memorandum to MPs revealing the existence of the sweeteners , led to a third clash between Labour and the Prime Minister on the Government 's involvement in what Labour called the ‘ calculated deception of Parliament and the European Commission ’ .
30 On the Government 's safety-netted forecast of £272 a head in England , the compensation amount is 75p a week short of the amount a couple are likely to pay in poll tax .
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