Example sentences of "be [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The air was cold on stage , the little orchestra seemed to be down a mine and all she could see was a very small bald head and a very long baton .
2 Used to go down , well I used to be down every night , rubbing the salt in this , to make the bacon and I had a smokehouse down the yard where I used to smoke the bacon .
3 I remember asking on the shop floor of a division , the board of which had been reduced from fifteen to four , what the major difference was This was not because the fifteen previous board members had felt to be down the line , and was told , to my surprise , that the biggest difference was that they now knew what was going on .
4 ‘ A few years ago we 'd be down the piano bar listening to … ’
5 They all seemed to be down the after ballast compartment so I called down something like , " Come on lads , " I 've got my seizure , what about yours ? "
6 It was his father , Colin Cauldhame , who got the cordite from the ship-breaking yard there used to be down the coast .
7 There does n't seem to be a consistent upward pattern er traffic that comes into a dealers showrooms to buy cars can be up one week , it can be down the next .
8 Nothing down here we want cat food , lard and Ryvita Ryvita will be down the bottom here , I suppose and lard is right she wants brown Ryvita quickly .
9 She might be down the shops or something .
10 he might be down the club
11 I 'll be down the park .
12 Is it th , everybody 's gon na be down the park , yeah ?
13 Yeah cos then , th they 're not gon na be down the park are they ?
14 Well , the market will probably be up a year from now , and if he holds shares in all the ex-state companies ( 36 , less two taken over ) his risks are tolerably spread , with worthy water companies balancing clouded bits of aerospace .
15 Unfortunately the powerful television lights kept melting the glue , and in spite of extra large dollops of the stuff , the G from ‘ Winning ’ fell off every night and I had to be up a ladder fixing it back again at six the next morning .
16 As much as she loved Lizzy , and as much as she wanted to help her , without her job they would all be up a creek without a paddle .
17 Both Thins and Bargain Bookshops expected to be up a bit ahead of inflation , which was not good enough for David Flatman but ‘ a near miss ’ for Ainslie Thin .
18 Normally playing seated amphitheaters , our audience and the Mary Chain 's tend to be up the back on the lawns .
19 Because of the political situation , the ferry route had to be up the west coast of Africa .
20 So it means it 's not Ah so it means it 's got to be up the top end .
21 She 'll be up the pole .
22 Our last patrol before Christmas was to be up the East coast to Buckie where we would leave the ship and travel home by train .
23 Officers took turns in conducting the Sunday morning service but every Sunday evening Eva would be up the front conducting the soldiers ' meeting .
24 For a while there I thought we were going to be up the creek without a paddle . ’
25 He told her : ‘ I dare n't be otherwise — because if I were ever in a compromising situation , if the police raided or if someone kissed and told I 'd be up the creek . ’
26 He 'd do all the slaughtering , do all that sort of business , but he would n't er he did , he used to come and help us Fridays and Saturdays but he 'd rather be up the farm on his tractor .
27 Erm , they write down nothing , they remember nothing , and I have to phone these clowns every other day , to make sure that they 're doing what we agreed they 're going to , otherwise I have no panels next month for my stand , and I would be up the creek .
28 you would be up the creek without your paddle would n't you ?
29 Thankfully it was a red-hot summer , and they could be out every minute .
30 The men said they would be out every night to " pay for " this prosecution and during the following week two fallow deer fawns were killed .
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