Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He secured permission from the Home Secretary for Lizzy to be disinterred but , unlike Berlioz , he could not face the grisly spectacle , and delegated the task to his lawyer .
2 The liquid paints , it was decreed , must first be stabilised and turned into solids .
3 You can leave a library without a book , but with information obtained from the Reference Section , from which books may not be withdrawn but only consulted .
4 Measures can be withdrawn but not added .
5 There was some confusion in court as to whether a private prosecution can be withdrawn once it has been decided that there is a case to answer .
6 The sequel was the War Powers Act ( 1973 ) under which the President had to inform Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces abroad ; in addition the forces had to be withdrawn unless the action was formally authorized by Congress .
7 There are a limited number of exceptions that permit the bid to be withdrawn or declared void .
8 The play may shock audiences ; it may have to be withdrawn or rewritten .
9 It operated also with regard to lands and rights that had once been given to God or the saints : the gift could never be withdrawn or diminished without sin .
10 An important feature is that once bonuses are given , they can not later be withdrawn or put at risk due to some speculative investment .
11 In addition , they control resources which can be withdrawn or redeployed at their discretion , and are of vital importance for workers ' livelihood and the revenue base of state expenditure .
12 It was suggested that 400 passenger services be withdrawn or modified and 2,000 stations and 5,000 route miles closed to passenger traffic .
13 In addition , both unemployment benefit and income support , under certain circumstances , can be withdrawn or suspended if claimants fail to comply with the range of new procedures aimed at policing their behaviour ; for instance , if they fail to attend counselling or Restart ( introduced in 1986 ) interviews with Employment Service Officers or turn down ‘ positive offers ’ of help from the Restart menu , such as employment or a training programme .
14 Where the court is satisfied that the petitioning creditor does not intend to prosecute his petition , either diligently or at all , by asking for it to be withdrawn or adjourned , it can , on the application of any other creditor who has given notice of his intention to appear , give the carriage of the petition to that other creditor ( who need not be owed £750 or more ) ( r 6.31 ) .
15 The acquirer will want to be sure that grants will not be withdrawn or have to be repaid .
16 In a statement issued on May 14 the NPA warned that the 40,000 US military personnel currently stationed in the Philippines should be withdrawn or they would " suffer the agony of attrition . "
17 With the best will in the world many cases have to be withdrawn or discontinued each year .
18 An appeal can not be withdrawn or the grounds amended without the leave of the court .
19 It 's whether they will be withdrawn or not .
20 Mr Clarke said the armed forces would be withdrawn as soon as the unions agreed to provide a normal emergency service .
21 Some cover may be withdrawn as the insurance company sees it as a greater risk .
22 Such accommodation is likely to be withdrawn as councils Increasingly sell off property to private developers .
23 The fact that more than four times as many Soviet warheads were to be withdrawn as American ones gave rise to particular misgivings .
24 All-in-1 will gradually be withdrawn as it is replaced by cc:Mail .
25 At the press conference Bush confirmed that the US forces would remain in the Gulf area only as long as they were required , and would be withdrawn as soon as the crisis was resolved .
26 Books may also be withdrawn if their content becomes out-of-date even though they are still being used .
27 Another backbencher was told his place on a Foreign Office organised trip would be withdrawn if he defied the Government .
28 Two local union members , and a district union official employed by the union , threatened BOAC that labour would be withdrawn if R were not removed within three days as required by a resolution passed at a members ’ meeting .
29 Even if both agreed the issue might not be withdrawn if the tribunal objected .
30 In the former case there is no express threat of proceedings to be withdrawn if the defendant pays up promptly because he believes himself to be liable .
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