Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But director Phil Noyce called for the scene to be re-shot time after time .
2 to be postmarked Hel
3 the training contract can also be undertaken part time over up to four years .
4 Whilst most of the program elements exist for designing component parts , the main development remaining to be undertaken lies in the procedures for allowing the designer a rapid comparison between a large range of schemes and known design parameters .
5 Thus it may be committed by wrongfully taking possession of goods , by wrongfully disposing of them , by wrongfully destroying them or simply by wrongfully refusing to give them up when demanded , for in all these cases can be traced conduct by the defendant which amounts to a denial of the plaintiff 's rights or the assertion of inconsistent rights .
6 There would probably be delayed TV rights in America , and the fight could just be the making of pay-as-you-view in Britain .
7 It seemed clear then that there would be delayed shock-effects — unpredictable , perhaps quite irrational — at deeper levels of the body politic .
8 It struck her as peculiar that Mr Browning should not have given Mr Surtees Cook his Rome address for this telegram could not be relayed south in under another twenty-four hours and perhaps more .
9 Some species are named after their collectors , so if our new species of Tyrannosaurus were collected by a Mr Jones it might eventually be christened Tyrannosaurus jonesi .
10 The urban child needs to be given opportunity to explore the quieter reflective world of woodland and meadow .
11 It is also of great importance that children should be given opportunity to develop their skills .
12 They firmly believed that people should be given rules to abide by to ensure that society ran on an even basis ; they did n't believe that the rules applied to them .
13 Dr Van Vliet wants the growing countries , including Burma , China , India , Indonesia , Malaysia , the Philippines and Thailand , to be given help for artificial propagation when the trade in wild plants is banned .
14 Alternatively , or in addition to this , wives may be given help in re-entering employment when the couple return to Britain on completing their assignment .
15 The justices made the order and , in giving their reason for doing so , stated that the order was required so that the child could be given help and guidance to meet his special needs .
16 This is not to advocate that Nizan should be judged solely by criteria acceptable to Nizan individually or the communist party as a whole , but it is to put forward the idea that Nizan 's situation as a communist writer in interwar France needs to be given prominence in any assessment .
17 A computer would have to be given knowledge about human eating habits before it could interpret this .
18 You will also be given weekend membership of the exclusive Country Club with its numerous facilities .
19 The study will be given specificity and historical depth by focusing on the community on which I have worked since 1970 .
20 Instead of discounts on their council houses , would-be buyers could be given grants of up to £25,000 to buy on the open market .
21 Should both the Clacton and Harwich travel-to-work areas receive assisted area status firms can be given grants to set up shop in the area .
22 This one would be given Eupatorium perfoliatum .
23 Howard re-iterated his demands for the Nez Perce to settle at Lapwai , but said that they would be given hunting and fishing passes for the Imnaha valley .
24 After about a week they can be given brine shrimp nauplii and microworm , and will also peck at the food offered to the adults .
25 On the same day , however , it passed a highly controversial law by which all residents of Lithuania would be given certificates of citizenship provided they signed a pledge to uphold Lithuania 's independence constitution .
26 In exchange , they would be given cheese or other foods .
27 For the most part , however , the solution will lie more on the managers ' side than the shareholders ' : the managers need to be given incentives that make them less likely to make the colossal errors of the 1960s .
28 Teachers will be praised for their achievements and be given incentives and guidance to improve their performance .
29 It also claims that the M11 extension is not covered by the directive since it is not officially designated a motorway , although the government admits that it is likely to be given motorway status at the time of opening .
30 There have been suggestions that they might be given state funding , or that some RCD members in the Chamber of Deputies might resign to allow the other parties a look in .
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