Example sentences of "be [to-vb] people " in BNC.

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1 There are , however , important exceptions , and they clearly suggest that a first stage must be to see people 's housing experience in relation to the whole of their lives , in particular their lives in employment .
2 While the basic aim of a service should be to provide people with ordinary homes of their own , there are many former long-term hospital patients who would not wish to live alone after many years of living in close proximity to other patients ; such people may feel more comfortable living in a three- or four-person flat or house , or perhaps in a sheltered group of flatlets where communal dining rooms and recreational facilities echo the arrangements in ordinary sheltered accommodation for elderly people .
3 Prof Liam Donaldson , NRHA regional general manager , said : ‘ The key to the future must be to encourage people towards good health through living healthy lifestyles . ’
4 Prof. Liam Donaldson , the authority 's general manager , said : ‘ The key to the future must be to encourage people towards good health through living healthy lifestyles . ’
5 Economically , the main consequence of the reform will be to destroy people 's confidence in the banking system — hardly a desirable outcome .
6 One of the major functions of education must be to open people 's eyes to the fact that things were at one time different ; that they have evolved to where they are now ; and that they need not necessarily always remain as they are .
7 He has developed a framework which is based on the idea that the aim of the interview should be to help people with the management of their problems .
8 The aim would be to help people ‘ who never find love , it 's not about casual sex . ’
9 One of the main tasks of the centre will be to help people overcome their embarrassment .
10 Of Sir Leon 's aims , the hardest to realise will be to give people the right to join a foreign fund .
11 The longer term result may therefore be to turn people away .
12 The most effective way of preventing these deaths would be to convince people never to exceed the manufacturers ' dosage recommendations .
13 He offered the suggestion that the universities were ‘ subject-orientated ’ and that the role of the polytechnics should be to prepare people ‘ to enter sectors of activity rather than extending the availability of subject-orientated courses of a highly specialist kind ’ .
14 The aim of the staff will be to make people feel as much at home as possible .
15 Its aim would be to produce people with versatile musicianship and proven teaching ability , based upon religious conviction .
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