Example sentences of "be [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is rather expensive — there are so many competing demands for the raw material — so you will naturally be sparing with it .
2 There is no totally ‘ green ’ energy source and if we want to help the environment we must be sparing with what we use and campaign for renewable energy sources — like wind , wave and solar power — to be invested in and taken more seriously .
3 If there were large regions of anti-matter in our galaxy , we would expect to observe large quantities of radiation from the borders between the regions of matter and antimatter , where many particles would be colliding with their antiparticles , annihilating each other and giving off high energy radiation .
4 When I suggest to Hopkins that many abductees could in fact be drawing on repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse and , as a result of bad hypnosis , end up believing mistakenly that they were messed around with by aliens instead , he agrees it 's a possibility , but then argues that some cases of childhood sexual abuse may in fact be alien abductions .
5 It will be drawing on sale catalogues , periodicals and modern books on English furniture .
6 The Trust will be drawing on its experience of upland erosion and repair work in the Lake District ; it will also be liaising with the many bodies which take an interest in the Mournes , including Down District Council , the Mournes Advisory Council and the education and library boards .
7 In conducting this study the researcher will be drawing on previous work on the relationship between science , technology , industry and the military in Britain
8 Nevertheless , in its emphases on Aegidius and on the Thuringians , the story of Childeric 's exile does seem to be drawing on real events .
9 THE bitter tussle between Russia 's parliament and government appeared to be drawing to a close last night after preliminary approval was given to a compromise that would allow President Yeltsin 's administration to continue its reforms .
10 After half a century , the Hashemite adventure in Palestine seems to be drawing to its close .
11 Margaret Stanhope saw by the watch that never left his wrist that their unromantic interlude would soon be drawing to a close .
12 The clear danger was , however , that certain factions within the party leadership would not be so tolerant as Su Xiao Kang hoped and that the freer intellectual atmosphere of 1988 might be drawing to an end .
13 In the hollow below , Bigwig seemed to be drawing to a close .
14 The era of the passive media consumer — or ‘ couch potato ’ — may be drawing to a close if they discoveries of the ingenious Media Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are any indication .
15 There were some signs in 1990-91 that Japan 's long-running dispute with the Soviet Union might be drawing to an end .
16 The day that would soon be drawing to its close had been one of the most wonderful he had experienced : the theft , the murder , the link between the theft and the murder — yes , all now known .
17 To achieve this we shall be drawing upon the products of archaeologists ' research mostly carried out during the present century .
18 Those remaining open may be drawing upon their stock for the summer programme .
19 We shall be drawing upon this case further , but for the moment we want to draw attention only to the way in which the reporter , by a particular choice of descriptive vocabulary , conveyed the impression that the actions of the group were meaningless .
20 Indeed , Russia seemed to be drawing in her horns on the eastern edge of her dominions .
21 The praise was well-deserved , but this was no time to be resting on laurels .
22 If we observe a pile of books hanging in the air , we might say : ‘ They must be resting on something .
23 The hand does not have to be on the table ; it could , for example , be resting on your chin .
24 Leaving his cry wafting after him , he disappeared in pursuit of a housemaid who was busily removing all the clean antimacassars that had only just been placed lovingly in position for the oil-bedaubed heads that would shortly be resting on them .
25 ‘ You 're supposed to be resting on your side , ’ she said sternly .
26 this action is impossible if you either a ) do not hold the latch tool correctly ( the handle of the tool should be resting in the palm of your hand with the thumb uppermost and on top of the latch area of the tool ) or b ) if you do not apply some downward pressure to the knitted fabric with your free hand .
27 She shut her bedroom door , knowing fate had decreed that the book she was reading should be resting in the sitting-room , leaving her with nothing to do but make her bed , sit on it , lie on it , unmake it , jump on it , push it round the floor — there were limits to what you could do with a bed , and it was the only piece of furniture in the room .
28 Now that cape , it would be raining on it all night , and we had no means of drying it so that cape was left on a hanger in the house and the next coat was taken and that was worn but for some reason it seemed to be always raining on nights and you had coat wet and you came to go out it was still damp .
29 Thus the Globigerina ooze on the floor of the Indian Ocean seems to be accumulating at between a and I centimetre per thousand years .
30 Even in the at-ease position Felix seemed to be jogging on the spot .
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