Example sentences of "be [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 It may seem that the movement just discernible towards " spirituality " would be wholly to the benefit of religion , yet it is not necessarily so .
2 Given the dire state of the rouble , computer sales in Russia now tend to be mostly to those pockets of the economy still generating hard currency .
3 Yes it would , it would not be properly to , to just make one comment and that is that the next five hundred thousand that the local is therefore two point six million from the reserve fund , that is substainable for two and a half years it is not substainable beyond .
4 And , if they maintain their attitude expressed freely to the Official Solicitor 's representative and to their mother , it would be all to no purpose , since no court would make a residence order in favour of the foster mother against the wishes of the children concerned who are of an age to know their own minds .
5 One can reckon that to be all to the good , from a stranger .
6 His presence , of course , will make things rather difficult for Canaris which will be all to the good . ’
7 ‘ Émile dear , you know the success of Jean-Claude 's opera will be much to your credit , ’ I purred .
8 ‘ There ca n't be much to farm around Caldbeck , can there ?
9 £82 may not be much to a Cabinet Minister , but it is a fortune to many of our clients .
10 The overriding criterion — that the service of a summons is impracticable or inappropriate — does not even have to be based on objective grounds ; it is enough that it should appear to be so to the constable making the arrest .
11 One of the mistakes we make is to imagine that if something is harmless or beneficial to us it must automatically be so to cats .
12 The reason is obvious to you but may not be so to them at all .
13 The international consensus seems to be that any return will be only to the West Bank and Gaza Strip .
14 Most people would be only to happy to be able to enjoy such surroundings .
15 But this access would be only to an interpretation translation at the lower level ( one in which there remains a one — many mapping of commands ) but not to an ( inscrutable ) compilation translation .
16 The resale of the houses was also to be only to them .
17 If , as is the case in most households , only one room can be spared for her , it will be greatly to everyone 's advantage if it is big enough to take her bed , wardrobe and dressing-table , and other necessary items of furniture plus two comfortable armchairs and a television set and radio , so that she can be on her own when she likes , with her favourite programmes ( which may not always be yours ) and able to entertain a friend in the privacy of her own small domain when she wants to , with familiar things around her which help her to preserve her identity and links with the past .
18 It was to this latter end that Wilson 's journeyings were largely devoted , while the emphasis of his argument was that acceptance of the union 's position , far from creating a tyranny of trade unionism , would lead to greater discrimination in recruitment and to higher standards of seamanship and greater efficiency which would be greatly to the advantage of the shipowners themselves .
19 This suggestion turned out to be greatly to my own detriment .
20 Does he agree that if — in his admirable phrase — we are to prevent the Commission interfering in the nooks and crannies of everyday life , it would be greatly to the advantage of all European countries if there were a thorough overhaul of the mechanics for the administration of the Commission ?
21 Yet there may be less to this unambiguous declaration than meets the eye .
22 On 8 March 1779 he wrote to his ambassador , ‘ We can provide plans which will be sufficiently to the taste of M. de Florida Blanca ’ , and a small planning group , which included the French Minister of War , the Prince de Montbarey , and of Marine , Gabriel de Sartine , was set up .
23 Yeah well I , I think er of more value would be just to people here present going away , and between now and the seminar on the eighth or ninth is actually trying to get the negatives .
24 It pricked his curiosity but he shook his head , saying , ‘ Ah — I have to be away to Dublin . ’
25 They 've won their way through to the first round of the FA Cup where they 'll be away to West Bromwich Albion .
26 What , I wonder , would our reactions be to-day to these junketings ?
27 The virtue of artists ' writings for the reader of criticism is that it can often serve as a touchstone for judging the worth of mediators , particularly those presenting views of what the artist intended ; what the artist said may be more to the point .
28 Without sounding too clichéd about it , there should be more to it than that .
29 There may be more to it .
30 She said there must be more to it than just worrying about wanting a small waist , and she was right : out it came .
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