Example sentences of "on set [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Bill Murray spent £50,000 on setting up his restaurant at Telegraph Hill , near Exeter , Devon , two years ago but said the business started to go downhill when he handed it over to a manager to run .
2 The other task in July for Xu — he is one of China 's most highly regarded chefs , consultants and writers , the Chinese equivalent of Victor Ceserani — was to teach the Norwich staff and advise on setting up the course .
3 Both parties have also agreed that they will nominate representatives to begin discussions on setting up a community liaison committee .
4 Some cities in Britain are working on setting up telephone help lines for children to ring in and talk about death and their own experiences .
5 Griffiths ' and Hamilton 's work on PACT ( Parents , Children and Teachers ) the Bellfield Project and the Harringay Project all reported in Bloom 's Partnership with Parents in Reading ( 1987 ) are examples of schemes of parent listening , Keith Topping and Sheila Wolfendale in Parental involvement in Children 's Reading ( 1985 ) give advice on setting up schemes of ‘ paired reading ’ .
6 The National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations offer a useful leaflet on setting up a new group and will also provide a draft constitution .
7 He would n't say what was n't working out , though I guess it was the sexual frustration and not being able to put a date on setting up home together .
8 However , it was well known that Beveridge , together with Churchill and other important officials such as Llewellyn Smith and George Askwith , were intent on setting up a scheme for juveniles .
9 Thirdly , we had the 1985 Report by the then Association of Health Service Treasurers on managing capital assets in the NHS ( AHST , 1985 ) , in the light of which work is under way at three DHAs on setting up comprehensive asset systems .
10 Others concentrated on setting up enterprise boards , outside the council itself .
11 The UN 's outer-space division wants to spend $500000 next year on schemes for training and also on setting up an advisory service for Third World space engineers .
12 I read in an old Practical Fishkeeping an article on setting up a South American general community , this set me thinking and I decided to set up a South American Catfish community with a view to keeping some of the more readily-available , but hard to breed catfish and to provide them with the optimum conditions and numbers to hopefully have some breeding success .
13 You can follow our step-by-step guides on setting up an attractive catfish community , successfully breeding killifish , and converting a tropical community set-up to marine .
14 In a pre-scheduled address to an international banking conference attended by the Czech and Slovak finance ministers where he was to have delivered a lecture on setting up direct sales operations in Eastern Europe , Kontrax president Gabor Dixco told an embarrassed audience that the global recession , poor financial management and lack of support from the banks were to blame for the company 's collapse .
15 The French government has told French industry to set up Eco Emballage , a recycling organisation which gives members the right to use a green dot on their packaging in exchange for paying a levy that is being spent on setting up recycling schemes .
16 Q. In your series on setting up a marine aquarium you did not include an actinic blue tube when adding inverts .
17 Her insistence on setting up lone stations cut off from the central missionary settlement led her into conflict with the authorities , who often thwarted her persistent applications to go further ‘ up-country ’ .
18 One such writer considered the declaration on the neutrality of Southeast Asia to sound ‘ in common with the Soviet proposal on setting up collective security in Asia ’ .
19 Advice on setting up a staff QC
20 For information on setting up a group contact .
21 Advice on setting up research or horticultural projects .
22 Agreement was reached on setting up a joint commission of experts to deal with minority questions and on working towards guaranteeing minority rights .
23 For its part , the Phnom Penh government insisted that the " obstacle " of the former ruler must not be allowed to hold up the peace process , and denied that he had to be SNC chair under September 's Jakarta agreement on setting up the SNC .
24 Major and his Chinese counterpart , Li Peng , also made progress on setting up an independent court of appeal in Hong Kong , on the colony 's right to negotiate trade investment agreements , and on agreement over land controlled by the UK military .
25 An accord was signed on setting up a joint economic co-operation commission , and another agreement was initialled on investment promotion and protection .
26 Tun Daim Zainuddin , who had resigned as Finance Minister on March 15 , was appointed on Aug. 29 to a ministerial-level post as leader of the Malaysian delegation in talks on setting up a " northern growth triangle " with Indonesia and Thailand to develop economic relations between Malaysia 's northern states , northern Sumatra and southern Thailand .
27 ( Of the eight , Byelarus and Uzbekistan accepted only with reservations ; the other three , Azerbaijan , Moldova and Ukraine , were still insisting on setting up their own armed forces . )
28 The Byelarus Supreme Soviet on March 18 adopted a decision on setting up republican armed forces from March 20 .
29 The system disk has a file named README.DOC which gives more details on setting up projects , resource maintenance , task maintenance and notes on entering tasks .
30 If it 's a great financial burden as we believe it is , that money , along with the money generated from the sale of the college , we will be better used spent on setting up regional ar educational system .
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