Example sentences of "on [Wh det] you " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , extracts from Agatha Christie or general run of the mill commercial theatre very rarely have enough substance on which you can work .
2 And how much more , wrote Harsnet , when the project on which you are engaged is the major project of your life , the project of your life .
3 They can have a seat on which you can travel facing sideways , or facing to the front ; a platform on which you can stand , or a platform on which a wheelchair will travel .
4 They can have a seat on which you can travel facing sideways , or facing to the front ; a platform on which you can stand , or a platform on which a wheelchair will travel .
5 It is essential , therefore , that you show these numbers on all documents on which you record NI contributions .
6 So why , when choosing a ‘ soul mate ’ , do you rush to the pedestal on which you place all foreign cars ?
7 This is a diet on which you 'll find you can eat hearty , sensible-sized meals and still reduce your weight .
8 Then briefly describe an occasion on which you wish you 'd had a waterproof camera .
9 Jesus Christ several times appeared to her with a sweet and gracious countenance , saying to her to rouse her courage , ‘ remember my love , that the bed of the cross on which I died for love of you was harder , narrower and more painful than that on which you are now lying' ’ .
10 To go with it , buy a metal hawk , a square of sheet metal with a handle attached to one side , on which you carry the plaster to the wall surface ; you can make one from plywood with a softwood handle if you prefer .
11 The FOURTH stage will be the selling and — realising that the only sensible sale is one on which you actually make a profit — getting paid .
12 You travelled in a series of zigs and zags , keeping a record of it all in a notebook — the bearing on which you were travelling , the time of the start and end of each leg … .
13 Nevertheless , a basically sound plan provides a framework on which you can build and progress in the light of experience and changing conditions .
14 Let us consider the cropping on a small mixed farm with cattle , sheep , and poultry On which you are aiming , as far as possible , to grow all the fodder for your animals ( your main source of income ) and to feed your family .
15 Step I State the issue on which you will be negotiating .
16 The only paper on your desk should be that on which you are currently working and material waiting to receive your attention for the first time .
17 Plenty of spaces have been left throughout the book on which you can add your own notes about the remedies .
18 A small portable tape-recorder on which you can record as well as play back .
19 Once you have decided on the questions you want to ask , you should draw up a chart like A on which you can record customer 's responses quickly , simply by ticking or filling in the appropriate column .
20 If there is one day in the week on which you visit your mother-in-law and work an evening shift , do n't be tempted to do the week 's shopping in a crowded supermarket en route .
21 Income where tax has been deducted at source and on which you will therefore not be required to pay further tax is as follows :
22 on which you can write your information .
23 You are now only interested in the labelled side of the artwork , i.e. the side on which you did NOT apply any layout transfers .
24 If you are female , more than two stones overweight , and just embarking on a weight-loss programme — as opposed to switching from another slimming diet on which you have already lost some of your surplus weight .
25 It is very important that you weigh and measure yourself at the beginning of the day on which you commence the Inch Loss Plan .
26 They might also reveal that you have been in some distant shopping mall far from your usual stomping ground on a day on which you had sworn ( at least to the office ) that you had been laid up with flu .
27 Every time you put some plant material in a book or press , you must have an efficient way of knowing the date on which you pressed those particular items , so that you know when to remove them .
28 Masking tape is an excellent way of marking things , because it usually peels off without damaging the paper to which it was fixed , and makes a clear , creamy coloured background on which you can write the date .
29 It was the sort of pit once set for tigers , with stakes on the floor on which you got impaled if ever you fell in .
30 Studies on savants who can tell you the day of the week on which you were born found that they followed the rules of a calendar to work out the dates .
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