Example sentences of "on [art] long " in BNC.

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1 He turned and looked at the display of cakes on the long table .
2 No — each lady had personally placed her cake on the long table — without assistance .
3 James Menzies and the McLaggans , riding on horses , led the rest away on the long climb of the hill to Dunskiag , a gaunt treeless place where the owner lived without a woman and three great staghounds with long coarse hair slavered to get at them , wrenching their chains .
4 They lost 203-186 on aggregate , and on the long cost-saving coach drive back to Lancashire the players had ample time to contrast their status with that of Monaco .
5 At the north-western tip of the island I picked malotira , on the long empty golden beach of Phalasarna , thinking from its exotic perfume that I was gathering the famous dittany of Crete which grows nowhere else but on this island .
6 There were now four people on the long wide stretch of strand .
7 There were many other days when nothing would work for him and every space on the long blackened workbench would be covered with a confusion of parts .
8 Bloodworm on the long pole top method .
9 Ms Nadia Comaneci was still performing on the long bar for Romania , but her gymnastic trainers had already defected to the US .
10 There was no shelter to make for , anywhere on the long , wide ridge , and the heather and the little bushes would tangle his feet and trip him as soon as he strayed from the straight path .
11 With the mother and father , whose knowledge of English was vestigial , he managed rather better , but longed for a rest from mental agility , for a bed to sleep away the exhaustion of his night and a day on the long Lines of Communication from England .
12 Apart from a small stepped garden directly in front of the house , the grounds were neglected and overgrown , making the terrace steps difficult to negotiate and allowing grass to undermine the paving stones on the long front terrace .
13 His bare feet could identify all the frayed patches on the long ribbon of carpet and each worn tread on the stairs .
14 But on the long , split bench of the chapel , the floppy red book of hymns in my hands , I used to imagine every possible circumstance that might deflect the loving attention of the angel .
15 ‘ The turning point was on the long starboard tack at the start of the second beat , ’ said Conner 's tactician , Tom Whidden .
16 The high background on the long TOF side of the peaks is attributable to ions that have lost energy because of multiple collisions and penetration .
17 The recoil peak is on the long TOF side of the argon scattering peak .
18 Ah yes , the mystic east , flying carpets , romance on all sides , and on the long sandy beach around the translucent waters of the bay at Ortakent you can laze your days away doing little else than looking deep into each other 's eyes .
19 Tens of thousands of Armenians died of thirst and starvation after being forced into the north Syrian desert on the long march south .
20 These were back to back on the long side-walls each with their Habitat anglepoise , Roland 's black , Val 's rose-pink .
21 All went well on the long trip to the Jebel mountains and from there the intrepid raiding party set off for their target .
22 However , Jacques Etienne never forgot his Hebridean origins and in 1826 set off on the long , difficult journey to his father 's home at Howbeg .
23 Arrival on Nine Standards Rigg is a joyous occasion for Coast to Coast walkers from the Irish Sea to the North Sea , and is the greatest milestone on the long journey .
24 She led Midnight to a clear patch and then let him walk on the long rein , so that she stayed still and he walked round her in a circle at the end of the rein .
25 However , horns were generally seen as desirable , especially for harnessing plough oxen , and it was not until the eighteenth century that Scottish farmers began to breed selectively for the polled factor in order to make the cattle of Galloway easier to manage on the long droves to the London markets .
26 In order to avoid inflicting worry and pain on the long suffering team manager Willie Ormond , a gang of players bypassed the hotel and headed for the sanctuary of a nearby bar which was owned by a generous Scotland fan called Ross Bowie .
27 Perhaps it was the evasive eyes ; perhaps it was the permanent sly grin on the long narrow face which gave the impression that Skerritt was always secretly laughing at him .
28 Bordeaux is traditionally the arena for a thrilling mass sprint finish and on the long straight ride through the flatlands of Les Landes we may have the awesome sight of the whole peloton at full speed , driving along at up to 60 kilometres per hour , not in pursuit of a breakaway , but in anticipation of the finish .
29 It has been known for a tough roadman-sprinter to control the race in these big hills , not to lose much time on the Ballon , then rejoin the leading group , dominate them on the long downhill run into Mulhouse and win the stage .
30 Occasionally , two or three of us off-duty would cycle down to the village on the long evenings of summer ( winter was always difficult because of the chronic shortage of bicycle lamps ) .
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