Example sentences of "on [art] first " in BNC.

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1 Salim leaves them , takes off on the first of a series of ‘ flights ’ , and treks to the interior , to a country which appears to be compounded of the Congo and of Uganda , in order to earn a living from a store which he has acquired from a man whose daughter he is expected to marry one day .
2 On a patch where the rough surface of brickwork was exposed , someone had vomited , probably a passing drunk whose sense of propriety , demanding privacy , had deterred him from being sick in the street ; or a returning resident who could not wait to climb the few steps to the communal toilet on the first half-landing .
3 Anyway , on the first day of that summer term , I remember sitting alone in the cafeteria , slowly drinking my cup of coffee , and listening as all around me people welcomed each other back from their holidays .
4 Your room 's on the first floor . ’
5 Although it can be very tempting to splash out on the first splendid specimen that catches your eye , you might be surprised at what you can find once you really start looking .
6 The importance of the vital actions drill may even be undermined in the eyes of the student if the instructor insists on a complete check of each control movement for every flight ( stick to the left , left aileron up , right aileron down , stick to the right , etc. ) , since it is clear that things like this can not change between flights , and the majority of experienced pilots only do that check on the first flight of the day .
7 Flying a new type of glider is always fun , but it worries many inexperienced pilots : there is always an extra element of risk if an unexpected situation occurs on the first flight in an unfamiliar machine .
8 Certainly , an emergency on the first flight after a long lay off provides the potential for an incident .
9 On the following flights you position the final turn and approach relative to where you made the last one , i.e. if you kept too close and landed rather far into the field on the first landing , you will move back more on the next , remembering the positioning of the previous flight .
10 For example , on a day with a 3000 foot cloud base , climb to 2500 feet on the first climb , then fly off leaving that thermal , using the airbrakes if necessary to come down to try to find another one at 2000 feet .
11 Unfortunately , a great deal of our flying is done by habit and this can lead to serious problems if anything goes wrong on the first flight in a strange machine .
12 Ideally , take another flight straight away so that you can master any difficulties you may have experienced on the first flight .
13 His writing-room on the first floor contains an unprepossessing table and a sideboard , on which sit his word-processor and printer .
14 On the first floor , a radio had been left on .
15 In making a decision on the first of the three cases cited , the Commissioner communicated with the Chief Executive of the National Health Service Management Executive , asking him about a health authority 's duty to provide continuing nursing care which is assessed as being needed , and which is not otherwise available .
16 Enthusiasts were less surprised that much of that investment went sour through design faults and technical failures , and grieved that so little thought was given to the simple , old fashioned matter of looking out , the deprivation of forward and backward view that had encouraged so much travel on the first generation of multiple units allegedly being due to the unions not liking the public seeing their men at work .
17 A far cry from the £2 tray meal handed out on the first of the Scenic Land Cruise trains eight years earlier , in a decade of special-train running where sophistication got its chance — and left behind many ordinary folk for whom the railway ‘ excursion ’ is now but a fading memory .
18 The accent throughout the dance is lightly marked on the first beat .
19 In his Scottish dances Bournonville highlighted the Highland characteristic of an upwards lift from the floor on the first beat of a bar whereas in English and French dance the movement is downwards .
20 The change usually occurs on the first beat of a bar or phrase , which eliminates any fussiness when the footwork is intricate .
21 These both include many steps with the so-called ‘ dotted ’ rhythm i.e. in 3/4 the dancer steps on the first beat , holds on the second and briefly takes weight on the other foot on the third before stepping onwards .
22 The working leg is thrust outwards on the first beat of a bar , heels click and stamp to accent the appropriate beats .
23 This is when a phrase finishes on the second ( or weak ) and not on the first or third beat of a final bar .
24 The 20 foot roof above our heads provided perfect shelter for all eventualities , so we decided to share our last scraps of food in another bivouac after fixing the ropes on the first two pitches above the terrace .
25 The top-rope on the first two pitches made them possible , and then we worked upwards , forcing tired bodies to perform and tired minds to keep them safe .
26 Climbers on the first pitch of Pilier Gris , Buis les Baronnies ( Photo Tom Prentice ) .
27 On the first occasion , when a clear moonlight night was forecast , the most atrocious storm developed and we were forced to spend an uncomfortable few hours benighted near the summit of Elidir Fawr .
28 Ross 's experience struck an identical chord with me , for John Sheard and I had exactly the same experience on the first ascent of Face Route where the second , hanging on a sling to remove gear , was observed by a member of the establishment and a rumour immediately started that was rapidly translated into guidebook writer 's ‘ fact ’ .
29 Now the reader met a suffering young man on the first page of the novel .
30 Raskolnikov has admitted to visiting the old woman on the first occasion but of course not on the second .
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