Example sentences of "be done [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The covers are being produced at the moment and I have asked Margaret Lockhart at CPU to get estimates for copying the contents and combining with the cover and binding so that this can be done a.s.a.p after the September Social Work Committee .
2 There was more celebrating to be done minutes later , when they took the lead .
3 It 's to be done A S A P .
4 There was still a great deal of work to be done ploughing fields reclaimed from the forests .
5 Remarkable things can be done linking projectors and computers so that you get composite or varied images on a wall of screens .
6 Some jobs can be done part time .
7 Was , your room one of the first ones to be done Heather ?
8 There 's still plenty of hard work to be done keeping the Victorian rose garden in shape — it 's taken a battering by recent heavy rain , but will be in full bloom again soon .
9 Since decisions about how much R&D ought to be done turn on conjectures about the outcomes of competition in final product markets , co-operative R&D ventures will certainly involve at least some sharing of information on product market conditions .
10 As we were to take care of our own mounts during the trek , we were shown how to groom them , which had to be done morning and evening , and how to tack up .
11 No you can do it so it can be done good .
12 I 'm also very worried , and this has been mentioned erm , by Mr , that the er , the Home Secretary seems to regard the police constabulary as a mere crime busting organisation , whereas really , the preventative work , the crime prevention , the work in the schools and the community work is absolutely vital if we are ever to solve , erm , we 're ever to stop , the er , if we 're ever able to stop the rise in crime , and this really has to be done hand in hand , I feel with local councils , and I 'm glad to say that there are some initiatives around , one of them in Mr 's own district , which is making erm , some very important steps towards that .
13 Habits and patterns of work can become more disorganized : people may be unable to focus on one task because all the other things to be done keep crowding in ; at the end of a very busy day little seems to have been accomplished .
14 There are many simple exercises you can do to help people keep moving which can be done sitting down such as ball games .
15 On Sept. 9 Frans Andriesson , the EC Commissioner responsible for external relations and trade policy and for co-operation with other European countries , held discussions in Tallinn , the Estonian capital , with ministers from all three Baltic states at which he declared that the EC was " prepared to enter into contractual relations … as soon as possible , but this must be done step by step " .
16 And that takes your winter term and then you can , yo your clearing could be done starting
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