Example sentences of "be more [subord] " in BNC.

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1 It is a distinction which may in the end prove more suggestive than serviceable : the author who tells , and who can be accounted something of a ventriloquist , may well , for instance , be more than capable of carnival , and may even be every bit as plural in his works as his dialogic counterpart .
2 Desire of Bride to be more than a bride , to be a mother too .
3 Desire of Bachelors to be more than bachelors , to be husbands and fathers too .
4 As a result , the brunt of investment pressures will have to be borne by an ever-decreasing stock of pubs ; and what good pubs we have left will be more than ever exposed to the cold winds of change .
5 Then , and only then , begin the side-slip and use up sufficient height to be sure that full airbrake will be more than adequate to get down for a spot landing .
6 ( Tye does compare this learning to learning to balance a pencil on your nose , but if that comparison is made to do any work , Tye 's theory will simply be a behaviouristic one , and he usually seems to want it to be more than this . )
7 Helen Gardner was aware of the problem , observing that the pursuit of image patterns , or of the ideas in a poem , can be useful to the interpreter , but can not ‘ be more than auxiliary in leading us to the true ‘ meaning' ’ of the work , which is the meaning which enlarges our own imaginative life . ’
8 I do not overlook De Gourmont 's plea for a meeting of the nations but I do believe that when they meet Paris will be more than slightly abashed to find parodies of the middle ages , Dante and Langue D'Oc foisted upon it as the best in United States poetry .
9 They will be more than grateful to the English Poundstretcher League for the experience being gained by 13 of their 16-man squad .
10 ‘ The short term benefit of certainty in household budgeting can be more than offset by a nasty shock when the rate is revised , ’ said the Abbey , which adds that its research reveals no demand for budget schemes .
11 But the declaration issued by the congress left no doubt that the decision was intended to be more than a mere facelift : ‘ The present concept of socialism , the Stalinist system , has exhausted all its social , economic , political and moral reserves , and has proved unsuitable for keeping pace with global developments .
12 But as workers were busily removing the offending logo from the congress hall yesterday , there were many signs that the change this time would be more than superficial .
13 While it is a premium to the market , it should be more than accounted for by the property .
14 There are many members who are uncomfortable shaking a can in public but would be more than willing to man a City of London style distribution , counting and recording centre while the enthusiastic collectors stretch themselves to the limit .
15 Also , uncertainty on your part can lead to the risk of you surrendering all control over the session to the engineer , who will be more than happy to move into the producer 's chair .
16 Civilization had to be more than a mere confluence of economic interests : ‘ And until we set in order our own crazy economic and financial systems , to say nothing of our philosophy of life , can we be sure that our helping hands to the barbarian and the savage will be any more desirable than the embrace of the leper ? ’
17 Art has to be more than an ornament , or a reinforcement .
18 ‘ I shall be more than happy to meet him , ’ replied Mrs Bottomley , winningly .
19 ‘ But where the sentence is substantial the offence will be grave , the risk the offender represents to the public can be significant and the difference which decision to grant or not to grant parole makes , may be more than a few months .
20 Our staff are fully experienced in all aspects of letting and they will be more than pleased to answer any queries which you may have .
21 The horror stories of Eastern Europe can be more than matched from the Third World .
22 If it is to be more than a symbolic marker of the moment when North and South decided in principle to work together for mutual survival , a number of decisions on how to administer it will have to be made .
23 Macmillan , however , saw that amalgamation of the Service Ministries and the Ministry of Supply concurrently with sweeping changes in Defence policy would be more than the Defence establishment could take .
24 In the end the consequences of Chernobyl may be more than a horrifying collection of statistics about unleashed radiation , deformed lives , premature deaths .
25 We were ‘ just good friends ’ , however much I wished we could be more than that .
26 ‘ Some people expect a movie to be more than entertaining if they go and just laugh all the way through , they think there 's something wrong .
27 So a horse may be able to cope with the stress of injury or the stress of being isolated from other horses ; but if they both happen at the same time , the resulting stress and anxiety may be more than the horse can manage successfully .
28 True , it is the people at the bottom of the ladder and below it who benefit from Mr Smith 's thin tax cuts but £100 a year helps little — and the saving would be more than eliminated by an upward move in mortgage rates .
29 Although the book 's authors concede that ‘ bluffing , exaggeration and obfuscation are all part of the game ’ , they believe that honesty , friendliness and fairness may be more than their own reward .
30 But he 'll never be more than a pawn in their game .
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