Example sentences of "be of [art] " in BNC.

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1 If one such had done the deed , she could be of no assistance in the enquiries .
2 that after to-night I might be of no further use , & should resign with the whole Cabinet .
3 MacDonald said that he ‘ might be of no further use , & should resign with the whole Cabinet ’ ; the night before his interview with the King , Baldwin had gone to Neville Chamberlain 's house in Eaton Square , and ‘ hoped and prayed that he might not have to join a National Government ’ ; even after his interview with the King .
4 COOK 'S TIP : Always break the bay leaves before adding them to the pan otherwise most of their flavour will be trapped and they will be of no benefit to the casserole .
5 It would be of no great help to pronounce the body of an object genuine if the interest , and hence the value , lay in the inscription .
6 ‘ The solicitor can be of no help , ’ she said at length , ‘ he has refused , he has passed judgment and there can be no appeal . ’
7 ‘ You can be of no help to us , then ?
8 Domesticated horses , again like , people , can be conditioned to have other needs too , and can learn to like or want something which would be of no interest to a wild horse .
9 It sees no antithesis between the liberal and the technical and contends for the wider acceptance of the truth that the latter will be of no lasting value to the community unless the people of this country are adequately equipped to participate actively in its government and culture .
10 According to this theory , initial discrimination training should produce differentiation of the stimuli and the fact that the associations formed during this stage of training do not accord with those likely to be formed during the test phase should be of no consequence .
11 ‘ A guide who has not encountered his own passions , his own inner conflicts , who does not truly know his darkness and his light , will be of no value in the spiritual battle . ’
12 In 100 years time my worries will be of no consequence .
13 The suffering which inevitably follows shall be deemed to be of no consequence , because physical evolution itself disregards suffering , or regards it as an essential part of the process .
14 In which case allegiance to any particular ‘ god ’ would be of no significance .
15 The suffering which inevitably follows shall be deemed to be of no consequence , because physical evolution itself disregards suffering , or regards it as an essential part of the process .
16 By the time Charles landed , at Roscoff in Brittany , on 29 September 1746 , his brother Henry had returned to Paris and the French had realised that the Stuarts could be of no further use to them .
17 In Egypt , Lords Cromer and Milner , enthroned in marble halls and surrounded by British soldiers , thought of themselves as playing , with the utmost discretion , an exceptionally difficult lone hand ; they delighted in the formal restrictions placed on British power , though everyone in Egypt knew them to be of no practical consequence .
18 These are not the kind of facts which can be found in the history books ; they are small matters which would be of no real importance except to the people concerned .
19 ( Note — this knowledge would be of no use to me in Greece , where no butcher knows them . )
20 Some of the transactions the Crown sought to rely on were not at arm 's length and might therefore be of no assistance , but there might be other transactions which had taken place between parties who were genuinely trying to strike an open market value , and there was no reason why such cases should be ignored .
21 But this time they will be of no avail .
22 Yet in quest of such , boltguns would be of no assistance .
23 Within , that arena might well harbour some exhibition or pageant , and thus be of no significance in a war .
24 Twenty-three per cent of them thought that ‘ they could possibly be of some use with certain reservations ’ and 27 per cent of them considered them to be of no use at all .
25 When faced with these questions , he urges , we must bracket our ‘ scientific beliefs ’ , and naturalistic epistemology will be of no use .
26 On this view , understandably , animals would be of no more worth in themselves than drugs or edifying books that produced the same effect .
27 By keeping the Snotties slightly apart they wo n't get involved in a larger combat and the casualties they suffer will be of no account .
28 As it stands , this claim will be of no explanatory interest if the relevant descriptions of events are trivial in the light of our projects and concerns , and a persuasive conception of determinism must therefore include some method of selecting from among the multifarious possible descriptions of events those that are considered to be significant .
29 He still managed to get up the stairs in the pavilion to help launch Berkshire 's new sponsorship , but then perhaps he thought that the name of the sponsors — the Head Partnership — was far enough removed from his own problems to be of no concern .
30 If I were saying here that I do n't approve , then obviously it would be of no value , it would just be generation gap inanity , but it 's not that , and approval does n't come into the equation .
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