Example sentences of "be see as " in BNC.

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1 Ultimately death itself may be seen as a release .
2 For the purposes of this book , just two assertions will have to content us : first , some works have been intended by their makers to be seen as art ; second , there is a consensus today that other works are to be described as art .
3 Indeed , there is an implicit struggle between critic and artist ; an artist 's manifesto can be seen as a deliberate attempt to pre-empt critical comment and evaluation .
4 Here , he surrounds the politics of his imaginary country with darkness , distinguishes between its politics and what might be seen as the antics of bystanders , and concentrates on these bystanders .
5 And there is a point of view from which Ronald Fraser might be seen as a man of Marxist leanings who paid a professional adviser what may have been a fair whack of a working man 's wages to enquire with him into the deficiencies of his affective life .
6 In Glasser 's book , and in Fraser 's , the activities of the poor can be seen as activities which had been performed , and written about , in the past : but these are books which intimate that the lists and specifications of a caring naturalism — features by which they have indeed been influenced — were never exhaustive : that the truth-tellers did not tell it , and that the omissions were systematic .
7 Whether or not it can be seen as Kelman 's self-portrait , it is the portrait of an artist .
8 Back should be seen as back .
9 This could be seen as a sign of healthy growth and change ; yet the new fittings and equipment installed are usually totally insensitive to the design quality of the original .
10 ‘ The software package selected for implementation should be seen as the vehicle for a solution rather than the solution itself .
11 His genesis was part of a much longer creative process and must be seen as the culmination of eleven centuries of English literary history .
12 Her last film ‘ RATTLE OF A SIMPLE MAN ’ ( 1964 ) whose commercial and critical failure ended her career , can be seen as a woman 's reply to the eulogies of the working class male celebrated by John Osbourne and his like , and it does so by poking fun at the ideology of the male and his crude sexism .
13 This thought casts the world in a profoundly different light from common sense in its materialistic moment ; and much of metaphysics can be seen as a response to it .
14 The focus of what could be seen as a heartfelt cry for commercial sanity to be restored to the sport centred upon one simple but now all-consuming issue — money !
15 There 's a littleness about it all : again it must not be seen as mere chance that we encounter Swift 's Lilliput on the first page of the novel .
16 Mr Clarke 's undertaking will be seen as a promise to provide more money , if it becomes necessary , in an effort to assuage the doctors ' concerns about the contract .
17 On another level , the building can be seen as an ark bearing its precious human cargo through a decidely rough sea of bad urban planning and even worse architecture .
18 If Uppark is stabilised and retained as a ruin , as it should be , the basic structure can be seen as an education itself .
19 ‘ We have to recognise the strong feelings among black and white people that the party should not set up an organisation which is racially exclusive , and could be seen as a form of apartheid . ’
20 All the same , the Foxley Wood decision can be seen as sound enough .
21 ‘ A gold-backed rouble would be seen as an honest money at home and would immediately trade as a convertible currency internationally . ’
22 The vote will be seen as a victory for the local authorities , who put so much pressure on the clubs , and many of the delegates were relieved that the vote had taken away the threat of possible punitive action from their local councils .
23 If it is to succeed in partnering Jaguar , then it is important for GM to be seen as a ‘ good citizen ’ of the UK .
24 Mr Bendixson quotes Professor Alain Bonnafous : ‘ … the TGV should be seen as a low-flying Airbus .
25 Despite what Mrs Sangster says , the jettisoning of the Sangster flagship will be seen as further evidence of her husband falling behind in racing 's power game , in which it is no longer enough just to be a run-of-the-mill millionaire .
26 He said the Thatcher years would be seen as the time ‘ in which existing pensioners missed out on the prosperity afforded to the great majority in this country .
27 While Hamnett may be seen as the campaigning Bob Geldof of fashion , in design terms she is more the Tony Blackburn , making a living , like him , out of replaying Golden Oldies .
28 Hence it is worth explaining , in a way that elsewhere might not be necessary and would be seen as an indulgence , that in our case , once permission was granted , no limits were laid down by senior officers and no censorship role has been retained by the RUC over the final manuscript .
29 ‘ Good ’ work has to be seen as More than crime-fighting : ‘ Like , this is the sort of job that you come off at the end of the night and say to yourself ‘ What did I do ? ’
30 In this context ‘ easing ’ has to be seen as a means to accomplishing routine community police work , not as an alternative to it .
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