Example sentences of "be take part " in BNC.

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1 She explains that she will be taking part in the next activity .
2 Added to which you 'll be taking part in one of the most up-to-date bowling centres in Great Britain .
3 I was obviously disappointed not to be taking part in all the action .
4 Activity being very much the name of the game , students will be taking part in all sorts of sponsored events from running , wheeling and walking , to cycling , chess , swimming , badminton , singing and even knitting .
5 SEVEN members of Liss runners will be taking part in the London Marathon on Sunday , April 12th .
6 Famous names such as Dame Elisabeth Frink and John Hubbard will be taking part in the activities .
7 As ever , the people who will suffer from Labour 's failure are among those who are furthest removed from the political process ; who are most likely to believe that the outcome of the election has little to do with them ; and , hence , who are least likely to be taking part in the election postmortem on why Labour lost .
8 As he left the talks Mr MacSharry said : ‘ We have had a meeting between the four commissioners and I will be taking part in the negotiations . ’
9 Former Red Arrows pilot Derek Bell , of Sproughton , near Ipswich , and Canadian Terry Kingsley will be taking part in the 25th anniversary Lombard rally during April and May .
10 More than 50 children and 24 women will be taking part in the school 's first stage show .
11 Famous names such as Dame Elisabeth Frink and John Hubbard will be taking part in the activities .
12 Twenty-eight dealers will be taking part including a number of influential names who have not previously attended .
13 Andy Andrews , 70 , a former part-time fireman and safety security officer from Walton on the Naze , will be taking part in the race on April 18 .
14 Seventy-eight dealers will be taking part .
15 Seventy-eight dealers will be taking part , the majority from America and Great Britain .
16 It was thought extremely clever tactics when one team pretended not to be taking part in a tournament , and only joined in late in the day when all the other knights who had been fighting since soon after sunrise were exhausted .
17 On other occasions your spokesman may be taking part in a panel discussion .
18 Celebrity teams will be taking part in addition to many teams from local companies to raise funds for the blind and partially sighted in Oxfordshire .
19 Sue Burrows said : ‘ We do not know what to expect or how many teams will be taking part but we are going there with a positive attitude .
20 Around 100 boats will be taking part in the three-day Bank Holiday event — May 29 , 30 and 31 — hosted by the Lough Erne Yacht Club , a number well in excess of the 80-plus boats which participated in the Mirror nationals ten years ago .
21 And tonight those with large appetites will be taking part in a bean-eating competition , live on stage in The Square .
22 On Feb. 13 Gregorio Rosal of the rebel communist New People 's Army ( NPA ) announced that the NPA did not have a candidate to support in the elections and that its members would not be taking part .
23 U Aung Shwe , leader of the NLD 's 15-member delegation to the " co-ordination committee " , came under increasing pressure from within the NLD to adopt a tougher line , and to press for the release of all " persons who should be taking part in these talks " .
24 Over the next two years , SCOTVEC will be taking part in extensive discussions with many other educational bodies , to ensure that general SVQs and Skillstart take their place as a recognised part of this system .
25 All member organisation , including us , will be taking part — it will be a chance for those of you in the regions to offer an event to your new class members in September .
26 Some of them will be making a video recording of the items which have been performed in the past and they will also be taking part in an International Festival of Movement and Dance in Edinburgh in April .
27 As I say , we 're now , we shall now be working on the er , on a financial strategy , so that we 've got more detailed costings er , available to us , erm , but I think members will be interested to know that erm , within the next few months there will , we shall be taking part , er , as part of a wider national exercise , in an exercise undertaken by the District Audit Commission , on Children 's Services , so that we , I think we shall be in good stead , to have this as a base as a working document for that erm , Audit Commission exercise .
28 72 rafts each crewed by a team of up to 10 will be taking part in the Wye race over the Bank Holiday .
29 72 rafts each crewed by a team of up to 10 will be taking part in the Wye race over the Bank Holiday .
30 There are animals in the show … but they 're mythical oriental lions … and they 're happy to be taking part .
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