Example sentences of "be make [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To make it suitable for public use improvements will need to be made including resurfacing the stone route — this will also make it suitable for wheelchairs — and installing metal railings by the path .
2 These modem developments contrast with the situation earlier in this century when for example there was no bridge between Benbecula and North and South Uist , and crossings had to be made across the beach at low tide .
3 Some means of checking companies ' compliance with the code is seen as essential if real improvements are to be made across all listed companies rather than in those which are already well run .
4 The economics of service provision , and the arguments in favour of service concentration , especially when savings can be made across all the services ( Warford , 1969 ) have already been discussed in Chapter 4 .
5 However , much closer co-operation between the two bodies will be required in the next few years if rational decisions are to be made across the whole sector of higher education .
6 But nevertheless genuine progress continued to be made across the board : people continued to get healthier , more literate and more educated .
7 The organisations have been selected from both the UK and North America , which allows a valuable comparison to be made across the two cultures .
8 Clearly the policy does allow for additional provision to be made outside the city in the remainder of Greater York , and that is the basis upon which the the City Council has accepted the a hundred and forty five hectare figure for Greater York .
9 The approach to the hole should always be made along the stream bed and halted a safe distance from the brink .
10 The return must be made along the same track : a rough walk , there and back , of six miles .
11 Whether time permits or not , a detour should be made along the A.881 from Broadford to its terminus at Elgol , there going down to the colourful beach of pebbles and wild flowers and low cliffs : a beautiful foreground to a classic view , the finest in Britain , of the Black Cuillin across the wide waters of Loch Scavaig , a picture that would defeat a Constable or a Turner .
12 The return to Shiel Bridge can only be made along the same road .
13 What all this amounts to , among other things , is that in translating pronouns from English to , say , French , Italian , Greek , Spanish , Russian , German , or Bahasa Indonesia , decisions may have to be made along such dimensions as gender , degree of intimacy between participants , or whether reference includes or excludes the addressee .
14 To all such approaches to the uses of speech , a strong objection might be made along the following lines : rather than look for a series of static functions or contextual parameters , one should attend directly to the single most important dynamic context of language use , namely conversation , or face-to-face interaction .
15 Do you think that improvement could be made along the line of the existing road ?
16 A supervision order may be made pending appeal if the child is the subject of an interim supervision order at the time of dismissal .
17 ‘ Did you then suggest to the management team that , although the administrative assistants were arguing for party with the statistical clerks , reference should be made to similar groups in the private sector ? ’
18 Questions about the arrangements should be made to the Hospital Social Worker .
19 Applications for social fund payments should be made to your local DSS office .
20 This two-volume work details all the castles built in England and Wales , and reference will always be made to it as long as castles are studied .
21 The payments were to be made to teachers with additional responsibilities ; to outstanding teachers ; to those teaching in shortage subjects ; and for teachers taking posts that were difficult to fill .
22 The IFS argues that a similar change now needs to be made to employers ' contributions .
23 Mr Howell said no legal opinion had been sought before entering into the transactions , although a council memo suggested that visits should be made to other local authorities .
24 Peter Brooke , the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland , said no major changes would be made to the UDR , in spite of the demands from the Irish government for a thorough review of its role .
25 The voluntary levy has raised £2m so far and unions have pledged a further £7m to enable payouts of at least £100 a week to be made to those called out on strike .
26 Coupled with desperately needed new construction , such as the cross-rail proposals , these existing routes could be made to really work for us at a fraction of the cost of new road-building , and with minimal land encroachment , pollution or disturbance to the environment .
27 Again no reference will be made to party authorities in the guberniia capital , since this has already been done for Smolensk .
28 Qualifications and amendments have to be made to the plans of the drawing-board as policy-makers confront changing circumstances .
29 It argued that of the half million British troops overseas , 200,000 were in areas that did not create a foreign currency liability , and of the rest few were in areas requiring direct dollar expenditure ; ‘ it follows that the contribution to be made to the balance of payments problem by the withdrawal of troops in overseas theatres will be strictly limited , will apply only to those areas when there is at present a currency obligation , and will produce little or no direct dollar saving . '
30 Typically , the sterling area was assumed a ‘ good thing ’ , the justification of which needed only to be made to foreigners ( especially Americans ) .
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