Example sentences of "be do for " in BNC.

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1 In the liberated world of radical chic , we may be intended to think , favours could be done for the right person .
2 While preparing an early draft of the present chapter , the writer heard Bishop Cathal Daly of Down and Connor , a leading moderate among the bishops , respected by all except PIRA , repeat the adage that the Irish constitution was secular , implying that there really was little to be done for the moment .
3 Side leg exercises can be done to work the outer thigh area , and a wide variety of scissor-type exercises can be done for the hips and lower stomach areas , ( More advanced stomach exercises can be carried out using weights if desired . )
4 He started to see that in his opinion more could be done for humanity by Churches than by political parties , even the best of political parties such as he took the Liberal Party to be ; or at least that the Churches engaged at a more profound level with the predicament of humanity .
5 They consulted a doctor who told them that there was very little that could be done for a rheumatic attack .
6 Something similar might be done for energy , if higher taxes remain off-limits .
7 All this may be done for the best of reasons but it only ensures that children bottle up their feelings as well as their tears , which , as we have seen in previous chapters , can have far-reaching effects .
8 The classic instance concerns a Swedish hoard of the eighteenth century from Lohe , the examination of which led to the establishment of the principle ( fig. 28 ) , but much the same can be done for other well-documented periods such as seventeenth-century England .
9 Everything would be done for party interests — and nothing for the nation .
10 There are hundreds of things to be done for tomorrow . ’
11 A decision to leave what is to be done for a particular child … to the school is not itself , in my judgment , a determination of the special educational provision for the child … which would necessitate the making of a statement .
12 Contained in the DNA are ‘ library rules ’ dictating what has to be done for the instructions for a particular protein to be taken out and ‘ read ’ .
13 This may be done for a variety of reasons including someone 's anxiety that the original figures were just too unlikely to be reliable .
14 Do not try to help by lifting your head for instance ; when your head needs to be turned to one side in order to massage a part of your neck , let the turning be done for you .
15 They show that little can be done for , which is not done with the people .
16 What was to be done for Liselotte , who showed signs of severe mental stress from the age of five ?
17 ‘ Then we 'd be done for .
18 I 'll not have my servants smelling like a cesspit , but there 's naught to be done for the present . ’
19 I tell you this : if anyone says to this mountain , ‘ Be lifted from your place and hurled into the sea , ’ and has no inward doubts , but believes that what he says is happening , it will be done for him ’ ( Mark 11:23 ) .
20 Sometimes this means taking a very definite stand on certain issues , but it has to be done for both your sakes .
21 At least I ca n't be done for being drunk in charge of a setter . ’
22 The inhabitants were on the upper floors calling for help but , before anything could be done for them , the houses disintegrated and the people were all lost in the flood .
23 Because of the division of labour , work soon became the perpetual repetition of a simple task , or the minding of a machine ; such work often had to be done for fourteen hours a day , six days a week , and there were no special provisions for the women and very young children who were considered especially suitable for work in the textile industries .
24 I knew that I had to protect myself from another pounding — if I let him into my heart I would be done for .
25 In early April 1946 U Sein Ywet and I did a seven-days tour in the Delta in which we visited two towns and ten villages , listening to government officers , elders , headmen , and representatives from nearly a hundred villages , which convinced me that much more needed to be done for the towns and villages outside Rangoon .
26 ‘ Ca n't anything be done for her deafness , at least ? ’
27 If the Pharisees and Scribes thought themselves to be so perfect that they were not aware of their own sin then little could be done for them .
28 Fire sub-officer Paul , 33 , knew nothing could be done for the car couple , but he realised the lorryman had not got out .
29 For some reason many professionals believe that they must do all they have time to do for people with problems , though without thinking through their view that this is ‘ good ’ professional practice : it tends to be done for its own sake .
30 Nothing can be done for them now .
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