Example sentences of "with [art] long " in BNC.

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1 Surprisingly , the ‘ pig ’ graves tended to lie with the long axis pointing north-south and the ‘ sheep ’ graves east-west .
2 The par-five 13th , along with the long 15th , is probably the key , where scores can be made or broken .
3 Jim leaned back in a tug-of-war with the long iron chain .
4 Interest rates Short-term management of the economy has meant that governments manipulate interest rates to ensure reelection , rather than with the long term interests of the economy in mind .
5 The early fossil bony fish have tails with the long blade uppermost , whereas the more advanced living bony fish have a tail that is symmetrical , and more effective in producing a horizontal thrust .
6 The Range Rover box needs to be the earlier type 1983–86 , with the long gear lever .
7 With the long Christmas holiday . ’
8 If the race means you will miss a long run , replace your next hard day with the long run if your schedule will allow it .
9 In some cases , however , the information on contacts may be slender , particularly if the sexual encounter followed a pick-up in a pub or resulted from a drunken all-night party which had been gate-crashed , and the contact-tracer may then be involved in trips , often abortive , to the Jolly Fig and Navel in the seedier part of town to try to locate Suzie — ‘ … the one with the long blonde hair , pink mini-skirt , and acne ’ .
10 The limbs of vertebrates can be very different — compare that of a bat with its long fingers supporting the web for flying , with the long pole-like structure of a horse 's leg , where all the digits except one seem to have disappeared .
11 For that last half-hour of the day , the dunes became a deeper gold and were scored with the long shadows of palm trees , whose tops were so green that I fancied that if my arm had been long enough I could have plucked a leaf and eaten it as if it had been parsley .
12 Finish off with the long , stroking movements with which you began in Step 1 .
13 It does not take much imagination to appreciate that maintaining a safe environment in high latitudes and high altitudes with the long months of snow , ice and subzero temperatures will differ from maintaining a safe environment in the humid heat of a tropical forest .
14 Whilst first aid remedies may be of use for each episode of acute illness , proper constitutional treatment and advice is likely to be more appropriate to help with the long term tendency to become unwell repeatedly .
15 Earlier in his life he had problems with the long thin lakes forming a strong dividing and horizontal midground ; this gave an unhappy prominence to the foreground .
16 They hoped that the molecules would react with the surface to form a film , with the long chains all sticking out like a field of corn .
17 A comparison of this conflict with the long and bloody histories of the Middle East and elsewhere provides a startling illustration of the fact that wars are fought , and are believed to have been justifiably fought , without the need of religious pretext or of ‘ divine ’ acquiescence .
18 Hold them loosely in each hand with the long arms straight ahead .
19 Everything comes to life in the summer with the long days , the moon to illuminate the darkness , and the birds calling to each other in the trees .
20 McGowan walked to the car and returned with the long canvas bag and the cardboard box .
21 In profile his face , with the long , slightly hooked nose and jutting eyebrows , was impressive .
22 They fought with the long gate into Dobbs ' field and Tom checked that she was sheltered .
23 Instead of Liverpool , with its splendid buildings and famous docks , she saw , first Nordale , with the long sweep of the fells , and the river running through the valley , then her own moorland , clothed in purple heather .
24 The Hindus call this reservoir the Akashic Record , which many researchers in physics have identified with the long sought-after Unified or Universal Field .
25 The ‘ abolitionists ’ ( Brodsgaard 1981 : 770 ) were therefore on a collision course with the Long March veterans .
26 BORED kids are fed up with the long summer holiday and ca n't wait to go back to school , according to a new survey .
27 The England manager , upset by the way his comments were interpreted after the European championship , has gone on record as saying that he is mis-understood , that he can not shake off the association with the long ball game from his formative years at Watford .
28 Olsen hopes that Taylor does not go all the way with the long ball game and play big , powerful strikers like Brian Deane and David Hirst .
29 Annabel had talked so much to her parents about the beautiful girl with the long golden hair , and how she had openly stood up to Sister Mary , that it was decided to invite this child to have tea with the family .
30 It is better to control them during this ‘ in-ground ’ period , the best control being achieved by watering down a solution of a chemical , one of a group with the long name ‘ chlorinated hydrocarbons ’ , and used primarily in this case on lawns as a wormkiller .
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