Example sentences of "with [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Paintings which describe the natural world are indeed easiest for the critic to describe , since any observer can compare an object seen with the same thing depicted .
2 Nay , would I were so anger 'd with the same !
3 I found the same classificatory system in use with the same unconscious linguistic divisions being applied as I had learned in the mid-1950s .
4 Some competitions provide a warm-up area matted with the same material as the actual competition area .
5 His writing , prose and poetry demanded rigorous attention , and received it with the same daily routine that he had established earlier : three pages a day , writing and rewriting , creative and self-critical .
6 We must approach observations of linguistic behaviour with the same careful attitude as we approach other kinds of behaviour or indeed as we approach our electrophysiological observations .
7 I 'd woken up the next morning at Aisha 's place , not convinced that I was really in London : her flat was like any flat at home with the same smell , the same coloured ottomans and rugs , the same pictures on the walls , the brass tray in the middle of the room , and the loud shrieks and wails of her two children puncturing the air .
8 I carry on talking with the same chattiness and speed that got Jane Austen 's heroines into trouble .
9 Her shy confession of love is in deep contrast to that of Natalia , who can not wait to show that her emotions are fully aroused when left alone with the same man .
10 It was a wall straight out of Verdon , with the same perfect grey rock , interspersed with pockets .
11 Budworth is particularly important because he was the first fell walker to record his ascents with the same attitude and feelings as we have today .
12 Pound here anticipates , and paints in a blacker hue , Edmund Wilson 's recognition that Eliot is ‘ a poet of the American Puritan temperament ’ , and Pound claims to be tarred with the same brush himself .
13 Thomson could control words with the same fastidiousness as notes .
14 It is a rogue professional body , and it is being treated with the same kind of contempt that the air traffic controllers were treated by the Reagan administration in the United States . ’
15 The former king condemns the Kabul regime with the same tone he used when the Soviet troops were in Afghanistan and has also refused to endorse the mujahedin interim government in Peshawar .
16 Nothing was too daunting for him and each new part was dispatched with the same intelligence and mental and bodily concentration .
17 Perhaps the most resonant phrases in the whole debate came from the pro-rights organiser who suggested that future centuries would come to regard our attitude to animals with the same horrified disbelief we now feel for the periods which practised slavery .
18 We could all fly to Paris in perfect safety if we were prepared to pay £1,000 for a ticket , since we would then travel with the same cast-iron safety precautions as do heads of state .
19 In the 1970s , genetic engineering made it possible to clone human insulin genes in micro-organisms which secreted insulin with the same structure as natural human material .
20 Today , it is fighting the same war , with the same leaders , as 20 years ago .
21 The research design was not intended to display how ordinary Easton 's police are as people , although the topics about which they talk show a concern with the same mundane things as other people — family , sport and leisure , television , sex , work , overtime and the bosses , the in-laws , friends , the cost of living , holidays , pregnancies , the house and DIY , politics , and so on .
22 Here we were joined by a small group of French Commandos , no doubt with the same views in mind ; something to drink and eye up the local crumpet !
23 In classifying people as persistent readers , we have allowed them to switch between different individual papers , provided they stayed with the same paper-type .
24 Working with the Same Recording and Publishing Companies
25 A plane cabin tries to fool you with the same set-up , but suddenly it meets turbulence , bumps and jolts , and three hundred of you sit there thinking of the drop beneath .
26 Our apparel was given us as a sign distinctive to discern betwixt sex and sex , and therefore for one to wear the apparel of another sex , is to participate with the same , and to adulterate the verity of his own kind .
27 We were always out there looking for something new , trying to find any slight glimmer of someone with the same kind of ideas as us .
28 But we stuck with the same tune that Wally had come up with .
29 She bit her lip and kept her peace , and even made them cups of tea with the same grace that her mother had demonstrated in the dark hours of the night .
30 The doctor ran her hands round again , with the same disinterested precision .
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