Example sentences of "with [adv] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Steven suggested Spenser and Shakespeare , with perhaps Scott and Hardy , and if I insisted on an up-to-date author , William Goulding .
2 The managers produce a league table of 24 states with the UK third from the bottom with only Greece ( 5.5% ) and Turkey ( 4% ) spending less than Britain 's 6.2% .
3 There were 14 British players — 12 of them English — in the field , yet home interest ended in the second round , with only Peter Marshall showing any prospect of progressing further .
4 Their victory over Rangers extended their unbeaten run to 11 games and with only Blackburn and Norwich three points ahead of them at the top , their sights are being raised ever higher .
5 JOHN PEEL tinkers away into the small hours with only Loudon Wainwright III and Jacob 's Mouse for company .
6 However it turned out a dismal championship for them with only Noel Weir of Rathfriland giving the association an interest in the open singles final .
7 For Anne it was not only the ordeal of the air raids but even more the terror that her mother would die on the bed in the cellar , with only Anne of all her family with her .
8 They have made a strong bid for the 1995 World Cup with only NZ in opposition .
9 Since Munich , the mood of the British people had changed almost tangibly , with only Chamberlain 's grey men in Parliament , backed by their poodles at the Daily Mail and the Express , not positively , atavistically , desiring the first shot .
10 The workload continues to fall sharply with only Scotland showing a rise for the quarter
11 When she promised not to attend any more meetings without his permission , they were reconciled , but he died the same night , probably of a heart attack , with only Agnes in the house .
12 From her reclining position , Mrs Keith still took a controlling interest in the household , but with only Jim in the house and two farmhands in the hut , Tina had become used to being in charge .
13 Ervine , who last week finished runner-up in the Irish championship , took the lead from the start with only Jim Brown of BARF prepared to give chase .
14 On May 24 after a week of intensive negotiations the Council of ( Agriculture ) Ministers agreed ( with only Italy voting against ) on the agricultural price and support measures for 1991/92 .
15 Pippin was assigned Neustria , but the two main beneficiaries were to be Louis the German and Charles , leaving Lothar with only Italy .
16 But the recommendation was thrown out by an overwhelming majority , with only Coun Orwig and education committee chairman , Coun Handel Morgan , voting to close the three schools .
17 In order to streamline the decision-making council , the number of regional central banks would be reduced from the current figure of 11 to nine , with only Saxony among the five east German states having its own bank and some smaller west German Länder merging their regional banks with those of other states .
18 In 1920 , the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified , having reached the necessary three-quarters support among the State Legislatures : as figure 5.4 shows , however , all of the recalcitrant Legislatures were in the country 's southeast , with only Tennessee in the area of the Confederacy voting for the Amendment .
19 In their second innings , Somerset were put out for 58 , with only Lionel Palairet reaching double figures and 10 of their total being byes .
20 From then on , though , wickets tumbled , with only Cronje ( 42 ) exceeding 20 .
21 The selling of Batty leaves the club better off finacially but with only Steve Hodge to cover the midfield should there be injuries and with David Kerslake departing the old cherry of right back could return to blight the team again .
22 They proved to have no stomach for a fight with only Steve Regeling showing any semblance of spirit .
23 They show again that Britain is second from the bottom , with only Spain below it .
24 Their confusion was illustrated by an outbreak of schizophrenia in the mind of Stuart Barlow when put through with only Alan Kelly to beat .
25 Gary Kelly continues to impress too , though he missed probably the best chance of the night — he broke out in the middle of the pitch , was charging down with only Rik to beat when he nudged the ball just too far at the moment he should have shot past him .
26 The front row looks solid enough , but there must be some worries about the locking of the scrum with only Jones having any real international background and Cooksley the only one to compare in size with the big locks of other countries .
27 Stands that set out to rival museums are pretty much a thing of the past , with only Jan Krugier of Geneva holding out here .
28 Lancashire Colts begin their defence of the title with their traditional match against Warwickshire , whilst defeated finalists Middlesex , with only Matt Saunders and Andy Turner ( both Staines ) and Luke Snowdon ( Ruislip ) still eligible , commence an intensive programme with fixtures against Buckinghamshire ( September 27th ) and North Midlands ( October 4th ) before entertaining Germany Youth under floodlights at Staines on Wednesday October 7th .
29 At around the time of the publication of the draft statutes for the proposed European central bank ( November 1990 ) , the Germans started calling for a quick move to a two-speed EMU , with only Germany 's immediate neighbours joining the ecu zone .
30 Eleven of the 12 EC countries voted for inclusion of the social chapter in the Maastricht treaty , with only Britain opting out .
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