Example sentences of "that [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now he was into jazz because he 'd heard that the Yuppies had hijacked it after Clint Eastwood 's film on Charlie Parker , and had moved back a decade to the late ‘ forties .
2 ‘ A common public perception is that the Aquino government is doing something that goes against the time-honoured Filipino tradition and cultural values , ’ said Alvin Capino , a newspaper columnist .
3 Nevertheless , as with the complex issue of land reform , there appeared no evidence that the Aquino government had either the political will or the reserves of public confidence to undertake a programme of comprehensive structural reform .
4 The reason for this is that the snail can only perceive events which are more than one quarter of a second apart , so a stick which is moved four times a second appears to be stationary .
5 To quote the dictionary again , the word ‘ adventure ’ contains in it an element of the unexpected , of chance and Fate , which means that the protagonist must be able to call on more than normal attributes to meet the challenge set for him .
6 The name ‘ Someone ’ that the protagonist is given during his death indicates his loss of social identity : he is no one in particular but all people , for his nuclear death family constitutes the ‘ primeval atom ’ .
7 Voluntary to my mind suggests that the payer being aware of all relevant circumstances including the true state of the law or perhaps having a doubt but not caring which way that doubt is resolved consciously makes a decision to pay .
8 In their inception , these authorities were based on the fact that the payer and payee were not on an equal footing and it was this inequality which gave rise to the right to recovery .
9 What CPRW would like to stress , however , in relation to the application being considered by this Inquiry , is that the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park is the only one of the ten parks in existence which has been primarily designated for the superb and largely unspoiled quality of its coastal landscape .
10 It is therefore expected that the Karoo plume component would carry an OIB-like isotope signature , but would have lower abundances of incompatible trace element than typical OIB .
11 This Engels does by showing that the Greek and Roman states , the ‘ sacred ’ sources of the European ideal , were based on principles which can also be seen in embryo among much less prestigious peoples , the American Indians .
12 What is new however is the suggestion , which at the time of writing must have appeared as the height of impertinence , that the Greek and Roman states originated in much the same kind of confederation as the Iroquois .
13 In the absence of soil conservation , the productivity of these lands w ill inevitably decline rapidly ; Elwell and Stocking ( 1984 ) have suggested that the soils of the Save Valley , for example , will only be able to support maize cropping for another 10 years .
14 B. The farmers have found that the soils of the uplands are leached .
15 They have found that the soils are thin and leached and in places covered by boggy upland peat ( see page 78 ) .
16 We hope that the factions will honour their commitment to a ceasefire in Mogadishu .
17 Does she agree that the factions that are fighting in the south have no claim to represent the north , which has the main link with the Somali community in this country , and that all factions in the regions of Somalia must be involved in reaching a settlement that can be expected to last ?
18 The G value is the same , but we would usually like to say that the 1g plant is growing faster .
19 Although the spokesman claimed that the Mercury network can operate independently of British Telecom , the blacking has stopped the launch of the Mercury service .
20 Such an argument also presupposes that the ‘ market knows best ’ ( where the term ‘ market ’ today often means a limited number of institutional fund managers , whose time horizons may be ‘ short term ’ ) and that the nationality of a firm ‘ does not matter ’ .
21 The United Kingdom stated , in limine , that the nationality of the owner of the vessel was generally recognised in international law and in the practice of states as the principal criterion for establishing the necessary link between the flag state and the vessel .
22 The Spanish Government considered that the nationality condition and the other conditions laid down by the Act of 1988 were manifestly contrary to the basic principles of the E.E.C .
23 The Spanish Government argued that the nationality condition could not be justified under articles 55 and 56 of the E.E.C .
24 The Commission maintained that the nationality requirements laid down in the Act of 1988 were contrary to the general prohibition of discrimination on grounds of nationality set out in article 7 of the E.E.C .
25 They submitted that the nationality requirement was a clear contravention of articles 7 , 40(3) , 52 , 53 , 58 and 221 of the E.E.C .
26 The applicants in the main proceedings also claimed that the nationality requirement amounted to a serious infringement of the rights of ‘ joint venture ’ boats under article 168(4) in conjunction with Annex XII to the Act of Accession of Spain and Portugal to the European Communities 1985 ( ‘ the Act of Accession 1985 ’ ) ( Official Journal 1985 No .
27 Even if the protection of the rights of local fishing communities were capable of falling within the concept of public policy for the purposes of article 56(1) , it must be held that it follows from what has been stated above that the nationality , residence and domicile requirements are disproportionate to that objective .
28 The investigation conducted by Inkeles and Bauer among Soviet émigrés in the 1950s , for instance , found that the nationality of most respondents had less influence upon their political beliefs and values than did other variables such as social class and education .
29 The plaintiff claimed that the nationality of the successor in title was irrelevant where the claimant was the original owner .
30 Although he acknowledges that the moisture content is high , he says the extra drying costs are offset by catching the crop before it sheds any ears .
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