Example sentences of "that [adv] at " in BNC.

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1 Home and childrearing commitments dictate the terms and conditions on which women can work so that overwhelmingly at present they are forced into the third leaf of the shamrock as low-paid semiskilled part-timers .
2 It is true that right at the end , in October 1097 , when Anselm was on the point of leaving England , Eadmer reports him as saying to the Canterbury monks : ‘ I go willingly , trusting in God 's mercy that my journey will do something for the liberty of the Church in future times . ’
3 my Lord in a , in a sense that right at the very last page when they say a notified articles association , rules and regulations in there amended form no longer contain any clauses which constitute appreciable restrictions
4 ‘ Good to hear that somewhere at least the killing of an American matters . ’
5 I had n't bothered with landing lights and I was n't sure , any longer , where I was I only knew I had to keep climbing and that somewhere at the top was relief and safety .
6 Erm erm , A ten it the there 's various units and as a unit erm are the family and I felt that perhaps at that stage are you not on the family and what it 's about .
7 Nothing is known about the first 7 years of this person 's life , and whilst only scattered information exists about the middle span , we know that only at the age 42 did the Earth begin to flower .
8 If you can find a stake that long at the garden centre , it will probably be painted green , with perhaps a black painted end for the ground — do n't be deceived .
9 Not at the time no it did n't it bothered me when it was done because I thought you 've probably done something and the outcome would be that so at the time it did n't bother me because I was n't interested in the situation
10 The big cats of the Oxfordshire based Jaguar racing team might not be roaring that loud at Le mans this weekend … their three cars are facing exclusion from the 24 hour classic race which gets underway tomorrow …
11 Provided that Ali 's analysis of Hacihasanzade 's motives is correct-and one must remember that Ali is writing nearly a century after the event it would appear that already at the beginning of the sixteenth century the career of a kasabat kadi was regarded as a dead end .
12 But when we talked about ‘ The House ’ — that was what we called it , there was never a name — we could imagine that just at the top of the stairs would be the Great Kitchen with its rows of gleaming copper pans hung up next to pheasants and hams and bunches of strange herbs — and through the kitchen window we 'd be able to see the long lawns of the garden where stone lions crouched with their heads between their paws and real peacocks screeched up at peacock shapes clipped out of hedges …
13 It is interesting to observe that just at the point when the old sources of clerical recruitment , the married clergy , were taking to celibacy , the supply of clergy did not dry up , it multiplied exceedingly .
14 Current high levels of unemployment can be accounted for without recourse to an explanation from technology ; consumer appetite for yet more goods and services still appears to be insatiable ; and even those economists who advance reasons why new technology might cause unemployment at some point in the future acknowledge that just at present the likelihood is that it will cause labour shortages rather than an overall labour surplus .
15 It should come as no surprise that just at the time when manufacturers were becoming cautious in their claims about what their creams could do , a pharmaceutical superstar in the form of Retin-A burst into the firmament .
16 Oh what 's that one Bare Naked Ladies , I 'd better not play that just at the moment oh what 's this one oh Billy Joel so so I 'd better take that out you I 'm always tempted to forget what I 've actually played and what I 'm not going to play .
17 Need that just at the minute .
18 Each new chairman , as the PSOE 's transport policy document complained , brought with him a ‘ cascade of appointments and political reorganisations ’ in the company ( PSOE 1981 : 62 ) , so that superficially at least RENFE was in constant upheaval .
19 The girls declined their gentlemanly offer to allow them over first , realising that once at the top , the boys would have a beautiful view of their unmentionables .
20 that once at least it was in order
21 But the decisions referred to above are helpful to demonstrate that both at law and in equity it has long been recognised that an influence may be subtle , insidious , pervasive and where religious beliefs are involved especially powerful .
22 Mr. Beazley invites me to give a very broad interpretation to paragraph 12 of the Kalfelis [ 1988 ] E.C.R. 5565 judgment and to say that all these swap actions fall broadly within the test that it is expedient to hear and determine them together ; he argues that the use of the plural in that paragraph shows that the principle there laid down covers several defendants in groups of actions as well as several defendants in an individual action ; and he submits that there is a risk here of irreconcilable judgments , seeing that both at first instance and thereafter , if the cases proceed up to the appellate process , different decisions may be reached in England and Scotland respectively , on the questions of English law which arise ( there is no suggestion that Scottish law applies to these actions ) .
23 If we assume that some investors within each group were " not interested " in an activity made more profitable by the construction of a canal but only in dividends or , after 1790 , in speculative profit , and that this was almost wholly true of women investors , substantially so of the clergy and of the majority of those from the professions , then it is clear that overall at least a quarter of investment in canals was drawn from a net cast unprecedentedly widely .
24 Erm and er oh yes , er no wait a minute I had and take two and started work as a booking clerk , I 've said that before at Needham Station when I was sixteen .
25 So that now at least the people are becoming more aware ,
26 So even the most rapid changes in these things were going very , very slowly compared with the kinds of rates which we 're accustomed to seeing in the lab. erm so on the whole so far deep sea cores seem to me to suggest that really at least those beauties are really pretty gradualistic in their behaviour .
27 The commission will not be responsible for promoting a network : the extent to which companies form a network , particularly one that as at present subsidises the smaller contractors , is a matter for them .
28 Take any hint the court drops : if the presiding judge indicates that as at present advised the court is with you on a particular matter , leave it alone — do not insist upon reading out your argument merely because you have come prepared upon it .
29 There is a very real risk that even at 15,000 feet the pilot may become unconscious , or at least incapable , from the combination of cold and lack of oxygen .
30 It is worth recalling that even at the height of Britain 's imperial power we rarely tried to go it alone .
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