Example sentences of "that [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 Now it may well be that the whole balance of things is that we 're generally okay for the moment but it seems to me that as time goes on and there 's a need to review plans and there 's a need to make further provision that it would be very very difficult indeed against a blanket policy as opposed to individual justifications around ind er individual settlements .
2 I had instantly buried the intense feelings hoping that with time they would decompose or reform and grow into normal healthy heterosexual longings .
3 Olivetti envisages that with time , it will be considered more as a brand name for systems integration , adapted for specific customer needs , rather than a rigidly defined product .
4 In particular , we shall see that with time the Whigs became increasingly identified as a party of the Court and the royal executive , whilst the Tories , by the end of Anne 's reign , had essentially become a Country party .
5 In the second place , it is important to appreciate that with time both parties underwent some degree of ideological transformation .
6 Yet these matters , it has been suggested , lie deep — indeed , unutterably deep — in every American psyche ; and it is good that from time to time the unutterable be uttered — it is , one might say , one of the things that we look to poets for .
7 It has been suggested that from time to time , sound engineers should show staff how much they pollute the environment and by means of this simple measurement , educate staff to prevent noise pollution .
8 And I suspect also that from time to time the director feels that he has to placate the more hard-nosed and less imaginative of his many paymasters by producing something that could be regarded as promoting trade .
9 It seems that from time to time , but most notably in February and May , you will experience some frustrating moments regarding property matters and family relationships .
10 Against this background it is not surprising that from time to time the relationship is productive of misunderstandings , mistrust and conflict .
11 The whole area had a horribly uneasy and melancholy atmosphere and he noticed that from time to time on that bright summer 's day occasional metallic rattlings came from the depths of the quarry .
12 The idea came from old Mrs Ferrar , who proposed that from time to time the family should confer on some subject which should ‘ tend either to the information or to the excitement of the affections ’ .
13 It appears that from time to time this magazine published supplements and one such example , featuring aviation , went under the title The Bright Boys Album of Aeroplanes .
14 They lit the candles they had brought and made their way along a passage which led out of the chamber , gazing wordlessly — he could n't remember that they had spoken at all while in there — at the arched limestone walls , at the tunnels that from time to time branched from this central artery , once into a wide gallery whose egress had been blocked by a fall of stone .
15 It should be noted that from time to time subcontractors may be employed on ’ the lump ’ ( a fixed sum per day for each man employed ) .
16 And enjoys a perfect night 's sleep — deep , clear , and refreshing , like gliding down through sunlit water on a hot day ; such a perfect night 's sleep that he is entirely unconscious of how much he is enjoying it , or of its depth , clarity , and refreshingness , or its resemblance to gliding through sunlit water on a hot day ; so perfect that from time to time he half wakes , just enough to become conscious of how unconscious of everything he is .
17 As a member of the cabinet which had to cope with the Irish famine , Clanricarde pressed hard for remedial measures , pointing out that from time to time ‘ an adherence to sound principle will cause an immediate sacrifice ’ .
18 She was holding herself so stiff that from time to time she trembled .
19 Of course , I am delighted that from time to time the Garda find some of it .
20 We know that from time to time , there has been a slight delay in publishing the HMI annual report .
21 Although Charlie could always see Trentham in front of him , Tommy was so silent in his wake that from time to time he had to look back just to be certain his friend was still there .
22 It seems that in times past marmosets were bigger but , perhaps in adaptation to an almost bird-like life in the high branches of South America forests , they have shown an evolutionary trend of decreasing size .
23 Tradition has it that in times past people brought their sick and weary to the shores of the loch , certain of its curative properties .
24 There is no doubt that in times of trouble Baldersdale was a very united place — but there were , nevertheless , some curious divisions .
25 It is also said that in times when Russia has need of strength in battle , these horses will awake their masters and carry them to where they are needed .
26 It became evident that young people were a particularly vulnerable group and that in times of economic hardship , firms cut back on training places .
27 The recession , not only affecting the UK of course , has hit hardware sales generally , but it has n't had a significant impact on the Unix market , because , IDC believes , that in times of a depressed economy and slow investments , information technology purchases tend to move to less expensive , low-end systems , which ‘ might mean Unix systems . ’
28 He points out that in times of national emergency the public turns automatically to the BBC .
29 He saw the opportunity to play the peace card and the moderate rearmament card at the same time , fortified by the prospect that in times of trouble the public would prefer to vote for an established Government rather than a peculiarly unknown opposition .
30 Moreover , the effects of industrial action on members ' attendance exacerbated the situation , and it is arguable that in times of adversity such bodies need stronger leadership and clearer terms of reference than this panel ever enjoyed .
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