Example sentences of "i think [ex0] " in BNC.

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1 I think there are questions of style and dimension which come down to what type of theatre you are talking about .
2 I think there is always an element of typecasting that is sensible , I mean it does n't have to be restrictive .
3 I think there should be a more stringent system of entry into the drama schools so that there is a higher standard of work achieved by the time they come to join the profession .
4 I think there 's a market , even though it 's a narrow field , ’ said Susan .
5 ‘ Well , ’ I said , ‘ I think there 'll be trouble about this , but if that 's the position , carry on . ’
6 Replying to common criticism that Margaret Thatcher tended to be a one-woman band , Mr Baker said on BBC television 's On the Record : ‘ I think there will be a growing amount of Cabinet discussion .
7 I think there will be far more job-sharing .
8 The relationship when manufacturing and retailing are in the same company never seems to be a healthy one and I think there are many examples of that .
9 I think there has always got to be for any executive — and for any employee for that matter — new challenges , new frontiers to keep them enthused .
10 I think there are enough common factors in management , including the role of chairman , that apply to all or most businesses , such as the need for careful succession planning , the need for developing a strategy or a corporate plan .
11 I think there is a dynamic movement in the structure of industry and in the geographic location of industry , the move away from some of the old traditional steel and coal mining and heavy industries into service industries and electronics , which does very clearly demonstrate that an enterprise economy does now exist .
12 I think there is always going to be this element in business .
13 I think there 's got to be determination , consistency , the ability to listen to other people and then make your mind up and stick to it .
14 Although nearly every person in the country wears jeans , I think there are quite a few who should n't ! ’
15 I think there should be more of them . ’
16 I think there is a real prospect of getting major changes to this bill , ’ he added .
17 I think there 's a certain numbness in the world today … that accepts certain kinds of violence , but is against other kinds of violence. ,
18 I think there is a parable in that for you and me as we seek to share Christ today .
19 I think there was and is .
20 At the same time I think there was a certain kind of love — detached but concerned — in the background of all he did , a love that steadily grew , without display , without spoken devotion ; and I , too , never spoke of ‘ love ’ .
21 Mine , at any rate , after the initial angers and resentments , has lingered on to this day , and I think there has never been a rime when I did not remember that love and think of Dana .
22 There was a silence , then : ‘ I think there must be some misunderstanding . ’
23 I think there 's lot of nouveau hippy carry-on in Dublin .
24 I think there must be things I can do now , lucrative things , to get me out of this scene .
25 I mean , I think there is too much media pressure on us , and I do n't think we should all be a size 10 , but on the other hand , everyone feels better if they feel they look good ; it 's natural .
26 If I had time I would like to make a collection of the many stories there are about great conductors because I think there is much to be learnt from them .
27 I think there will be great developments over the next few years .
28 I think there are enough fans out there to fill the place ten times over , ’ he said .
29 Yet I think there is a difference between the control of living systems and the stability of physical ones , which has nothing to do with the presence or absence of a controlling intelligence .
30 In an average middle-class house , people convert the garage to a workshop and tack on conservatories and put sheds in the garden , so I think there is a misunderstanding about what they want . ’
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