Example sentences of "i see the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When I see the Giotto frescoes at Padua I do not trouble to recognise which scene in the life of Christ I have before me , but I perceive instantly the sentiment which radiates from it and which is instinct in the composition in every line and color .
2 Menzies started to answer but Cameron put his hand on his arm , shook his head slightly , and said to Byers , ‘ I see the trouble .
3 I see the whole chapter as a subtle but misconceived footnote to Crime and Punishment ; in these pages , instead of brushing past Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov in his return upon the underground man , Dostoevsky has allowed himself to be obstructed by them , and the result is a Stavrogin who compounds Raskolnikov 's bracing himself to enter the police station ‘ as a man ’ and confess with Svidrigailov 's reaching out in all directions , including the far extremes of moral and physical debauchery , in the hope that something , it does n't matter what , will make him unbored .
4 ‘ The pleasure comes later , when you elevate yourself to the status of a student and a teacher — that 's how I see the job . ’
5 It saddens me that , while most annual reports say ‘ … we will do our utmost to preserve our most important asset : the skills contained in our workforce ’ , when I visit the workplace I see the tell-tale signs of accidents in the making — blocked exits , unguarded machines , untrained work people .
6 I see The Galleries as a focal point , a powerful force aiding the city , a proper part of the centre designed to enhance its life and character . ’
7 Nevertheless , the market is going to remain very depressed throughout next year and I see the recovery shifting to late , rather than early , 1991 . ’
8 as if in a slow motion sequence from a Peckinpah film I see the torpedoes escape from the box , turn head over tail as they rise , reach their zenith , and begin falling again , towards the heads and shoulders of the youths in front .
9 I see the way the snow is kicked up off the paws of the dogs , the way their breath explodes around their heads .
10 Then I see the electric fire 's still on .
11 Then I see the way out .
12 ‘ Until I see the entire Argentine line-up , ’ he said , ‘ how can I possibly know how I shall mark him ? ’
13 ‘ Until I see the entire Argentine line-up , ’ he said , ‘ how can I possibly know how I shall mark him ? ’
14 I only look towards someone like Dylan because I see the things that have happened in his career and the conclusions he 's come to and the way he 's responded to outside forces , the audience , the press … and I recognize a similarity to how I feel in my career .
15 Through the arch too , I see the dark water of a deep wide moat ; so dark , indeed , is the water that it might well have remained unstirred since the days of the ‘ brave Lord Willoughby' ’ . '
16 Bent double , nipping to the car boot to get the drug bag , I see the car 's rear window has been bashed in ; broken glass shards cover the rear seat .
17 Clarissa , Charles and I ran into Colonel Bumford — Oh Bumford , I see the connection — the other evening at Mona 's . ’
18 That is how I see the Nineties as a possible new dawn .
19 ‘ When I see the old truck you drive , I 'll give it a slap , ’ the little blond boy on my right said to his father , slapping him heartily in demonstration .
20 I see the rural virtues leave the land .
21 I see the metallic lid of its sky next to Amantani 's perfect blue .
22 While I see the little mouldiwarps hang sweeing to the wind
23 Every morning when I go to work , I see the mountains of Harris to the north , Cuillin and Skye eastwards , and the hills of Barra to the south .
24 As I look at the water I hear a distinctive slurp as a chub sucks some morsel through the surface ; then I see the rings rippling away from the spot where it happened .
25 When I see the squalor of your room which is filthy , and has your clothes all over the floor , frankly I get fed up ’ .
26 I see the need for love hovering ,
27 Now I see the spider as a fisherman waiting near his nets at the side of the streams of the air .
28 I see the path to the peak experience as passing through the poetic , the emotional and the mystical regions .
29 When I enter the hushed assembly of the fir trees , I see the cathedral of all religions .
30 Sometimes when in the evening I lie down with half closed eyes looking at the sunset , I see the screen of the eyelashes and its wonders .
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