Example sentences of "i know we " in BNC.

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1 I remember the elocution teacher was very keen on the modern plays that were being published then — and I know we worked on Pinter which actually led me to use the part of Mick in The Caretaker for my subsequent auditions in England for a place in drama school .
2 I know we 're a bit mad but we try our best . ’
3 We had moved to the edges of our previously closed system of thought and action , both physically and philosophically , and almost implicitly came to recognize that the ‘ foundation metaphors ’ which Turner identifies as being crucial to transformational experience of liminality were making paradigmatic statements about our own cultural format ; although I know we would have been unable to articulate this .
4 I 'm listening , she pleads : I know we 're chalk and cheese but .
5 - Margaret Thatcher ‘ I would ask you to reserve any demonstration of support and affection which I know we all have for her until the end of her address . ’
6 And if you will help us with a donation today , I know we can get the action we need .
7 I know we need it , it seems ages since we went to bed . ’
8 While not affectionate in the way other dogs are , when Sadie comes and gently pushes her nose against my leg , I know we have achieved something .
9 This kind of willingness to accept criticism about sampling ( ‘ I know we 're killing live music ’ ) , or the group 's often grey image ( ‘ I know that 's a problem ’ ) , inevitably endears you to Norman Cook .
10 ‘ Yes , I know we are primarily a mental hospital , but you must understand how important it is .
11 I know we were drunk together , but we were never close , never intimate .
12 I know we all get a bit stuck in our ways once we 're over thirty , but for Heaven 's sake , is n't it worth a try ?
13 I know we 're going to die it 's not my fault , oh my God ! ’
14 Did she see me pour the Finish 'Em into the punch ? ‘ I know we 're going through a bad patch at the moment . ’
15 I know we have all heard of cases where someone has smoked sixty cigarettes a day and still lived to a ripe old age — but is it really worth taking the chance ?
16 I know we have the Lord but actual flesh and blood is really good too , and clergy so need not to be alone . ’
17 ‘ Well , ’ he continued , ‘ I know we all call this place the summer-house , and it is only used to keep salmon nets and baskets in nowadays , but it is really a gazebo , where the local gentry used to meet their ladies of ill repute in the old days . ’
18 Oh , I know we 've no certificates , but we 're both quite good — you really dance jolly well , and it is n't likely that there 's anyone else at the game .
19 I know we have n't long been acquainted , but will you do me the honour of becoming my wife ? ’
20 I know we 're all very upset by what 's happened here , but damaging your career now wo n't help you in the long run . ’
21 I know we as a nation are not renowned for our ability to serve but the general level of indifference , apathy and downright rudeness I encountered made even me , a cynical bastard at the best of times , wince .
22 ‘ Now I know we have several denominations gathered here today , especially amongst our new visitors who I hope will be happy and safe inside our homes .
23 and I know we are close .
24 I know we are in the middle of a recession , but surely there is still room for compassion .
25 AS SOON as I see a screen full of Florida palm fronds , broken down clapboard houses and Cadillacs full of heaving , unhappy women , I know we are in for an Erotic Thriller .
26 ‘ Lots of people sent memos saying ‘ I know we planned the whole thing for September or October but we are going out in July ’ , and it simply was n't ready , ’ he said .
27 I know we are capable of bouncing back . ‘
28 I know we have John Jensen , but he 's not a matchwinner .
29 But , given the money , I know we could come up with a British winner . ’
30 Many of you support them faithfully in prayer and I know we will all benefit from their challenging ministry as they share with us something of their work in Turkey .
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