Example sentences of "i know [ex0] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Yes , I know there was , ’ said Mrs Feather in a soft , sad voice .
2 I mean , I 'm not saying I want us to be living at the top of a tower block on some vandalized estate but there 's more to life than this , I know there is . ’
3 I know there is hay to cut and turn , but it is the harvest that will suffer if we let the Act stand .
4 I know there was one called a Woodmaster , and Sears made another .
5 I know there are many Conservative MPs who would welcome this .
6 I know there will be those who are unhappy … but I am also convinced that millions of Argentines are applauding this measure , ’ he said at the weekend .
7 I know there are any number of other musical versions and I 'm not a Shakespearean actor , yet I feel comfortable with him .
8 Now I know there are some fish willing to feed I will cut down my feed rate to a dozen maggots only when I cast in .
9 I know there 's loads of people really , it 's just they 're all at home asleep .
10 I know there is a public perception that everyone should sell their shares at the first opportunity , but I think this could be a big mistake . ’
11 When the interviewer leaned forward open mouthed , she went on : ‘ I do n't believe , I know there is life with Jesus , after death takes my mortal body . ’
12 But I know there 's going to be problems on this .
13 I know there is a theory that great qualities will always reveal themselves in the end .
14 I know there 's nothing between you , ’ he murmured .
15 I know there are other irreconcilables out there somewhere .
16 So far as I know there is no definition of what constitutes a Cabinet Committee and , as the practice has grown , I believe there may be among the 70-odd Committees in the book some with less title to be treated as Cabinet Committees than some of the 700-odd interdepartmental committees of which we have no detailed information at all .
17 I know there is a shelf in the area that runs parallel to the bank about three yards out , and that the water is eight feet deep at the bottom of the shelf .
18 I know there are such things as odds and that they are seldom in my favour .
19 Part of the chapter on motivation deals with obesity , and the discussion of theories of why we stuff ourselves is capped by a cartoon in which a chef tells a fat blimp ‘ As far as I know there 's no such thing as a diet cream puff . ’
20 As far as I know there was never any shortage of money — our fathers sent sums regularly back from England — and I , being the youngest , was the centre of attention .
21 I know there are lots of wonderful small Italian restaurants dotted around London but as we intend to invite around 100 guests , we are having trouble finding a venue large enough .
22 I should probably update one of these days because I know there are all kinds of new things that have come out — especially things that are smaller but which sound really good .
23 I have seen magazine articles in which experts say that there never were any salmon pink Fenders , yet I know there were , because I had one .
24 I know there 's a window open .
25 About picking up the pieces and wondering where we go from there , even though I know there are other things he 's interested in .
26 I know there was three years difference in our ages , and what some people are saying , but none of it is true .
27 Now that I am back on the England scene , my cash flow has picked up again but , at the age of 40 , I know there 's a time limit left on my playing career .
28 But Carter , who has offered four top players £100,000 each in a bid to make pool 's profile rival that of snooker , said : ‘ I know there was a bit of bother .
29 ‘ Yes , I know there were criticisms of my form in the internationals against Canada and South Africa .
30 In some police divisions I know there are no soldiers . ’
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