Example sentences of "i did a " in BNC.

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1 I did a few odds and ends in the garden on Saturday , played a round of golf on Sunday morning .
2 I did a parachute jump , abseiled the White Cliffs of Dover and rode tandem to Paris .
3 ‘ I expected it to be hard because , when we tested here last February , I did a full race distance and it was hard work , very painful . ’
4 People say that after my first two ‘ punk ’ albums , I did a ‘ reggae ’ album ( Beat Crazy , 1980 ) , and then a ‘ swing ’ album ( Joe Jackson 's Jumpin' Jive , 1981 ) .
5 When I took on the marine operations every ship had a fiftyfour man crew and it seemed to me that this was inefficient , so I did a trip on a ship and I came back quite convinced you could actually run a ship with twenty-one men .
6 Friday afternoons I did a course in aesthetics and I was allowed to paint the classroom — an old Nissen hut — black and red .
7 I did a television report about how the traffic police in Germany take pictures of cars being driven dangerously , in order to prosecute the drivers later .
8 I did a lot of homework when I started working on the script .
9 — And then I did a daft thing .
10 The first time I did a really good job .
11 It was obviously more than a weed or even a wild flower so I did a quick turn-round and decided that it was quite pretty with its two-tone yellow tubular flowers and ferny leaves .
12 I did a job for Penumbra and it 's over .
13 I did a survey on the most popular pop star and those two came out tops in the ‘ best-looking ’ stakes .
14 I first became fully aware of Mr Kinnock 's lack of ease with the written word when he and I did a half-hour TV Breakfast Time discussion , shortly before he became Labour leader .
15 I did a little research at the time of the East German business .
16 I mean I did a climb — A CLIMB !
17 I did a neat somersault and found myself on the bottom of the river , drowning ; fishing jacket , waders and fishing bag weighed me down .
18 Might even go nursing — I did a bit once — and I could live in the hostel . ’
19 At club level I did a lot of long and triple jumping , making 14.25 metres at the latter .
20 I did a tattoo for him .
21 The dossers and down-and-outs of Glasgow between 1985 and 1987 , then a different kind of hooligan , then onto a series of a little boy with a yacht and then in 1990–1 I did a huge series of faces and , in the last year , I 've been concentrating on thug images with bow necks and caps and dogs .
22 I did a series of men being led over cliffs .
23 I did a 50% water change and phoned the manufacturer who told me to keep an eye on things .
24 My whole aim was to get a bass like Jet Harris , a pink Fender , but we could n't afford it , so I did a couple of paper rounds and a milk round , my Dad chipped in and we got one on HP .
25 After that I did a lot of arranging of the parts around the dynamics , and we recorded the whole thing at Eel Pie ( Pete Townshend 's studio ) .
26 When I did a lot of my chord studying I used a Gibson 175 , and a cello guitar will obviously make your music go in a certain direction .
27 But I did a big tour with Elton John in 1980 .
28 In an attempt to retrieve it gracefully , I did a half turn ; the backs of my knees hit the arm of one of a pair of chairs and I toppled backwards over the chair and landed on my hat , wedged between the chairs with my legs in the air .
29 Last year I did a big , all-star benefit ; the sound check was fine .
30 I did a story and thought , no , that 's not right .
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