Example sentences of "i find [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I had to pick up my boots and rabbits , but I found somebody had nicked the bloody things . ’
2 Sacha reveals : ‘ It was only a year ago that I found somebody to teach me how to sing .
3 As a professional campaigner I found its elitism deeply disturbing .
4 But as I rode out with the nation 's most prestigious hunt , I found its members the model of politeness .
5 And finally , when I scrutinised Master Southgate 's spur , I found its sharpness tinged with mercury . ’
6 And Eva could n't leave the house without returning and saying , ‘ Hey , Haroon , I found something you might like ’ — a book on Japanese gardens , a silk scarf , a Waterman 's pen , an Ella Fitzgerald record and , once , a kite .
7 When I met Jean-Claude I found something in his face , his speech and gestures , that alerted my heart and made it a gift to him .
8 I found something a shade patronizing in her attitude , and I interpreted it as an attempt to upstage me ; perhaps to test me , to see if I was worth playing against .
9 I found something from the AIDS one the new Benetton advert , have you seen that ?
10 Two days later in what was a completely strange country I found myself doing this audition piece and I can remember very clearly sitting in the antechamber afterwards and the registrar popping her head round the door and saying balefully to a group of us sitting there , ‘ Sorry , none of you ’ .
11 You will recall , however , that before you vanished from our lives you entrusted me with the notes you had kept while working on the Big Glass and the Green Box , telling me I could do what I liked with them , and adding , in your usual sensitive way , that I could always use them to wipe my arse if the paper decided to sack me and I found myself really hard up .
12 The chair was comfortable but low and I found myself in the disconcerting position of having to look up at him while we spoke .
13 Most of the things I had were dated and not worth very much , so I found myself selling off my past as jumble and bric-a-brac .
14 I found myself thinking affectionately that I ought to be straightforward with him ; the English liked that .
15 I found myself lying to her , although my lies seemed to me to represent the truth as soon as I was out of Aisha 's house .
16 Then I found myself shouting , inside my head , ‘ I 'll die of AIDS .
17 Instead I found myself thinking ‘ AIDS ’ .
18 ‘ It was a conversion experience , ’ he says , ‘ I had seen his carvings in a vague sort of way already [ Esterly was then a post-graduate student at Cambridge and surrounded by some of Gibbons ' best work ] but I found myself looking at them there in St James 's as if for the first time .
19 Listening to the first day 's proceedings , I found myself not transported into the future so much as revisiting the past .
20 My work came out of the social situation within which I found myself … ’
21 A year or so back I found myself sitting next to him , bearded in his old age and wearing plus fours , overall resembling a successful if slightly barmy countryman , at a ghastly new play at the Almeida .
22 I found myself listening for the distinct crack , then gazing up at the clear starry sky trying to follow the flight of the shell .
23 I found myself talking to someone and watching him go to sleep on his feet .
24 And yet , alighting in the sunshine from the trembling train I found myself in a space transfigured by the three stages of the passage through the underworld that is matinee cinema : the transition from day to night ; the day for night of the viewing ; the transition back to daylight .
25 I found myself thinking , ‘ old piano players never die , they just fade away . ’
26 I found myself copying , as did everyone else who worked in the shop .
27 Although sympathetic to this heresy I found myself intoxicated but also somewhat inhibited by de Santillana 's impressionistic style .
28 In the midst of this unrelenting wave of depression , I found myself , dressed in a borrowed dinner jacket , on the M11 headed for Cambridge , where I was about to make my first ( and last ) appearance as an after-dinner speaker .
29 ( For some reason I found myself in Charlbury last week — about 15 miles from where I thought I was , and ought to have been ! )
30 I found myself second curate in a large mission called Kibuye on the outskirts of Kisumu town .
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