Example sentences of "i think my " in BNC.

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1 Yes er I did er I think my wife and I both agreed that er the , the was , was quite
2 ‘ Six weeks ago I thought my whole career might be up , but I love it over here , ’ he said .
3 Partly , I was n't doing the work because I thought my tutor had decided I was a poof but , more importantly , I was dragging my feet because I was n't keen on the work itself .
4 I thought my father was older now and I was older .
5 But I blamed my body for what had happened , I hated it , I hated having breasts , I thought my body was saying : Hey , here I am , come and get me ! and I was terrified whenever I walked down the street .
6 I thought my game was going to disappear so I just concentrated on getting solid pars and dropped only one more shot , ’ he said .
7 She was so obviously upset by the break-up that I asked her out to lunch to cheer her up , and I asked her home because I thought my mother and sister might help her .
8 For a while though , I had a psychological block to sailing in fresher winds because I thought my weight and strength was not up to it .
9 The following day was the end of term and I shall never forget the shock when Miss Smith read the Class Examination results for I thought my name would never come .
10 I thought my form had been good enough throughout the year to warrant selection , but there is always that niggling doubt , especially as I had angered Frank Dick by not turning up for a relay practice at Loughborough where he was engaged in running the annual Summer School for athletics .
11 Then I went out and bought some anaesthetic spray and applied it , but the pain was so excruciating that I thought my foot would fall off .
12 ‘ At one time I thought my vocation was to be a surgeon or doctor .
13 For some unknown reason I thought my chute must have been torn off me while I was getting out of my kite , and almost gave up making any further efforts to save myself .
14 I thought my family and colleagues would faint when they saw me but they loved the new me instantly , ’ she said .
15 I thought my father would come in for it .
16 I thought my friend was going to get a hiding .
17 Teague admitted : ‘ When I was pounding the hills alone I thought my England days were over .
18 I thought my future was here .
19 I thought my life insurance policy would pay out .
20 When you asked me to undertake a review of the management of the Prison Service , I told you that I thought my recommendations would be easier for me to make than for you to implement , but you assured me you believed the climate was ready for some radical change .
21 " So I was , sir , but I thought my bride had better see something of what 's goin' on in town before I take her back and bury her on the Moor .
22 After that , I thought my support could perhaps be less , that I had done the work .
23 When I reached home , my wife made me promise never to go to sea again , and I thought my adventures had come to an end .
24 Still , if I thought my difficulties were bad enough , some have had it worse than me .
25 I thought my mistress was going to marry you , ’ said Gabriel sympathetically .
26 When I got the nod that the Government was looking for ex-army officers to form a new force for service in Ireland , I tell you , Eric , I thought my prayers had been answered . ’
27 I thought my guards had killed you , ’ he commented .
28 I thought my boyfriend would make sure that he knew what he was doing , " cos at that time I did n't know what I was letting myself in for and also because he was nineteen I said to myself that he was more responsible .
29 Last time I half dug it up myself and I thought my back was going to go .
30 I thought my friend , Irena , was joking when she dragged me , sloshing and sliding , towards the highway .
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