Example sentences of "i think was " in BNC.

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1 About 8 p.m. that evening Taff and I sat at the side of our slit trench eating what I thought was a rather dubious lump of meat .
2 I got there at what I thought was a reasonable hour , around midday .
3 ‘ I always tried to do the best or what I thought was best .
4 It so happened that Hugh was the man who had been producing Tony Newley and he said to me after listening to those tracks that this was the most exciting thing to come into his room since Tony Newley which I thought was quite amazing since , some time later , David was quite infatuated with the work of Newley .
5 In fact , it was about the time that David and I both auditioned for Hair and we were both turned down which I thought was quite funny because it seemed that just about everyone else in London got the part , but we were very much the kind of solo singers and perhaps the wrong type .
6 I began walking towards what I thought was the town .
7 I was trying my best to correct his style without imposing my own upon it , and he seemed genuinely grateful when I pointed out what I thought was a weakness in rhythm , a word to be changed , an image to be further developed , a form to be tightened or relaxed … .
8 I was astonished , and a little dismayed , by the ease with which Dana entered into the spirit of things , giving Indian war-whoops and clowning and laughing in a way I thought was rather contemptible .
9 The next morning the newspapers headlined what I thought was a completely different ‘ anti-Europe ’ speech .
10 ‘ I rang what I thought was the doorbell once and nearly cut this geezer 's Mercedes in half with his up-and-over . ’
11 Afterwards he simply said : ‘ It was my biggest achievement yet and I was not at all disappointed as I did something that I thought was beyond me .
12 Call Me Old Fashioned , I thought was a good title , and A Licence to Print Money would have been another good title for a bestseller , but it had rather a rapacious sound do n't you think ?
13 They played in here and slagged the place off which I thought was a bit pathetic but I do n't pretend that I like all their ideas .
14 I remember seeing his ball disappear into what I thought was sand dunes left , but he 'd hit a woman on the head and nearly killed her , and his ball had flown back 60 or 70 yards into the fairway .
15 I turned around to see Mr Lu playing what I thought was his third shot .
16 I walked round the camp for what I thought was half an hour , imagining myself hiding in woods , boarding goods trains , stealing food , doing anything except clamber over the wire .
17 I had tried three of them , swallowing the small amounts in the glass with what I thought was a superbly noncommittal expression when I discovered that in the middle of the room were two iron spittoons , waist-high .
18 I was just so frustrated by what I thought was Frank 's intransigence .
19 It was much darker under the trees now and , afraid of not reaching the village before nightfall , I branched off on to what I thought was a short-cut .
20 I did what I thought was right for the most precious thing in the world to me .
21 ‘ That 's precisely what I thought was interesting . ’
22 Cameron , impressed but evidently rather baffled , minuted that he approved of the proposals and found them ‘ entirely in accord with what we wanted and what I thought was being practised ’ .
23 They get on fine , which I thought was against all the rules .
24 ‘ The reason I agreed to do the film was because of the script and the potential that I thought was there .
25 Even people who managed to stay married seemed to do it only by making incredible compromises which I thought was contemptible . ’
26 With respect to the embalming [ of ] Bodies , the methods that were commonly practised could , I know , have no effect ; at that time I read a good many Books upon ‘ Balsamation ’ but got very little instruction from reading these : according to my own Idea the best way would be to preserve the Body for some time that putrefaction should hardly be able to take place , & that it should gradually get rid of its moisture , & that , when it dried , it should have such imbalming juices in it , that it should resist putrefaction , & the insects at the same time be either kept off or destroyed : I set out with this Opinion & thought that something must be thrown thro' the whole Body : the when the Body was preserved , my Idea of getting rid of moisture was , to place the Body in some strong absorbent substance , & that substance which proved best I thought was Paris Plaister & I thought I could lay in a common Coffin such a quantity of Paris Plaister as would take out all the moisture & then I thought the Body should be rather in a wooden case than a leaden one because the Wood would assist the Absorption .
27 ‘ I had worked out what I thought was a good routine for him and had his personal stunt man run through the scene for him , ’ said Cannutt .
28 Looking back to the latter half of our time in Scotland , I seem to have been engaged in a variety of activities : was twice part of a consortium to bid ( unsuccessfully ) for the franchise for Scottish Television ; was appointed chairman of the board of Edinburgh 's Royal Lyceum Theatre Company , a post I held for seven years ; was persuaded to stand as a candidate for Lord Rector of Edinburgh University and ( mercifully ) was defeated by its former Roman Catholic chaplain ; gave poetry recitals with Moira at Edinburgh Festivals and elsewhere ; attacked in a lecture to the Royal Society of Arts the moronic language of disc jockeys whom I referred to as ‘ the Anyway Boys ’ ( the word ‘ anyway ’ being their standard linking passage ) — but singled out for praise a comparative unknown by the name of Terry Wogan ; rejoined the Liberal Party ; took part in a shoot where in the gloaming I brought down what I thought was a woodcock but turned out to be a parrot , escaped recently from its cage a mile away ; fished for salmon in Spain where my guide was called Jesus ( and enjoyed bawling for him down the river bank ) and on the way home visited the marvellous cave paintings of Altamira and Lascaux ; proposed ite health of Prince Philip at a Variety Club luncheon and of London 's Lord Mayor at his midsummer banquet ( he was also chairman of the London Rubber Company to which I made some fruity references ) ; and for a year was resident British columnist of the American weekly magazine , Newsweek International .
29 ‘ The first thing I thought was , ‘ Boy , am I fat . ’ ’
30 And actually , one day , because she knew it was my favourite , she said that I could have permission to have it copied and gave me the name of the jeweller , which I thought was so sweet .
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