Example sentences of "i take over " in BNC.

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1 She paused in the doorway , and said , ‘ Shall I take over , Doctor ? ’
2 ‘ There were problems in the past with the way the fund was run , but when I took over a couple of years ago we took a very long look at our accounting system and put matters right .
3 I took over from a guy who went out the stage door and somebody said to him , ‘ Have you got a light ? ’
4 it is radical because at the time when I took over we needed to be radical .
5 When I took over , it was evident that the need for new roads vastly outstripped the likely supply .
6 I took over the chair previously occupied by Angus Maude , who since 1979 had carried out the impossible job of overseeing Government information .
7 When I took over at the Department of Health and Social Security , I was under no illusion about the difficulty of my job .
8 ‘ I did n't have a chance to get a briefing from Graeme but I did n't get one when I took over from Kenny Dalglish .
9 ‘ When I took over my father 's practice , I wanted to refurbish the waiting room and surgery and install new furniture and equipment .
10 When I took over , Bruno Marie-Rose , the indoor world-record holder , was already away .
11 I took over the poling .
12 When I took over from Tim Grant in September 1987 , the PLANIT Club Project was nearly complete .
13 All I materially knew of the war was the thick squat block of the air-raid shelter at the end of the garden which as a child I took over as my own little house .
14 ‘ Then I went to the States to record and tour with another band and , when I returned , a bassist friend had left Cozy Powell 's ‘ Hammer ’ band when Cozy was charting regularly , and so I took over from him .
15 In a furious outburst after their match at Highfield Road , Atkinson described Villa 's performance as ‘ the worst since I took over ’ .
16 The former England striker revealed : ‘ The chairman has been telling me the same thing ever since I took over 18 months ago .
17 ‘ I felt that as soon as I took over Gary had it in his mind that he was n't looking to play for England beyond the two years which took him up to the European Championships , ’ he said .
18 ‘ I persuaded him to sell me the rights to manufacture the Seven and I took over everything except the Lotus name . ’
19 It was a thriving concern when I took over , so it was a mathematical problem , really .
20 As far as quality of play went it was probably the worst since I took over . ’
21 ‘ When I took over in 1990 , Nigel only had one cap and I was n't absolutely convinced that he would be an integral part of the team .
22 Anyway , by the time Maureen went on her annual holiday , Biggles was feeding himself a bit and coming on well , so I took over .
23 In due course Vernon Hunt retired and I took over as Chief Inspector of Accidents on 1 January 1974 .
24 She collected right up to 1985 , when I took over buying them .
25 Ever since I took over the tips section in the hallowed pages of ZZAP ! 64 , folks have whinged that most of the pokes are for Reset and Action Replay carts .
26 The latest and most thorough had been completed just before I took over the chairman-ship .
27 I took over in August 1968 , far from sure that I 'd be able to hold down the key anchor-man role .
28 I suppose Stella told you I took over from Richard St Ives . ’
29 I have to say this is the first time I 've been in this position since I took over . ’
30 When I took over , the ‘ Whads ’ were already twenty points adrift from the rest of football and while not seeing myself beyond blame entirely , my denial of any involvement in our downfall does not mean my commitment is any less than 110 per cent .
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