Example sentences of "i get [art] " in BNC.

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1 Now I got no one .
2 I had thought I might stroll out towards the famous Liseberg Gardens , but I got no more than a couple of hundred yards before I was turned back by the pitiless downpour .
3 — And I got no sleep last night .
4 I got no answer to my last question .
5 Although I asked various qualified people if soil altered the flavour of wine from the same grape variety and district I got no clear answer …
6 I got no time , you know that . ’
7 I got no one else to turn to .
8 I got no machines initially , but did receive a huge carton of magazines and books .
9 Also I got no police record .
10 I got no end jobs .
11 I got no help , though , and in the end just went along with it . ’
12 I got no response .
13 Still I got no response .
14 I got no neat story for you , Rufus , but this is what we have so far . ’
15 I got no S S T talk today ?
16 I got no interest at all me !
17 I got no orange Jean !
18 Once satisfied , I got a large cardboard carton and broke it open so that the development could be accurately drawn .
19 The examiners finished the bottle and I got a distinction . ’
20 ‘ The night he disappeared I got a call from a woman who said she 'd taken him because he looked abandoned , ’ Arkie explained .
21 Max took an instant dislike to her and from then on , when she tried to speak , he would howl like a wolf and I got a dreadful fit of the giggles !
22 I got a bit carried away with the Wogan show and all that .
23 Then I got a job in a laundry .
24 Moreover when there were fights , observed the chairman of the Birmingham City Supporters ' Club , ‘ it was punch-ups among men in those days … when I was a lad , if I stepped out of line I got a bloody good hiding from my Dad ’ .
25 At first I got a bit embarrassed — you know , about taking off my clothes and that , but now it 's OK .
26 I got a bit of a headache on account of how cold it is and I snuggle back into my sleeping bag .
27 I got a toothbrush somewhere but I ca n't find it now everything 's changed .
28 I suppose I got a bit of sleep last night .
29 I got a nasty taste in my mouth — sort of stale like .
30 It 's got an electric fire and food in the cupboards , and I got a cat and a sleeping bag and all sorts .
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