Example sentences of "you also [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And you also lose that .
2 Also could you also advise whether it is still possible to obtain a ribbing attachment compatible with the KH585 .
3 Please could you also ensure that the delay in making this request does not mean that the work is excessively held back .
4 and then you also pick that room and things like that just to demonstrate how that can be used
5 It 's not just because this illness is self- , it 's self-inflicted er , cause , er , you 've obviously picked this up from a variety of other er , I 'd say , sources , but you also pick it up in you know , blood transfusions situation .
6 You live in hope and you also die in despair .
7 for example , you are lucky enough to have a holiday abroad for two or three weeks but you have no access to scales and you also eat out all the time .
8 We know that it is easier for your body to tolerate the habit if you also eat well but many do not .
9 So if I short er short circuit the rest of my cross examination on these various policies that you say er we 're in erm we 're in some measure of conflict with , your answer would be in in relation to E N V Eleven and E N V Twelve which you also cite , do I put it fairly your answer would be this ?
10 ‘ Then I dare say you also know , my dear , what Princess Elizabeth said during the blitz ?
11 You also know that Christians base everything that they believe on what the Bible says .
12 Some guests , like Mel Brooks , are going to give a performance — you know that before they come on , but you also know that there will be a semblance of conversation .
13 You also know that when a company like Hewlett-Packard announces that inkjet technology is the largest research and development project it has ever undertaken — except for RISC processors — the technology has a bright future .
14 From the earlier document audit you will know what you want to produce , you also know what software you currently use and the skills available to you .
15 ‘ So now you also know why I intend to hang on to you ?
16 ‘ And you also know my thoughts on that .
17 You also know we have no chance of getting anyone else .
18 You also know that on page nine of our interest statement we have created a non-distributable special reserve against which we are writing off our good-will reserve .
19 When you write a program yourself , you know what you want it to do and you also know what it ca n't do .
20 ‘ Sir , ’ Athelstan retorted , ‘ I think you do , as you also know about the seed cake . ’
21 okay , you also know about the editorial control of newspapers do you ?
22 Er and could you also comment perhaps on the safeguarding of assets and any er points you would like to make in relation to the present five per cent limit on self investment .
23 Of course being nervous he often drank a little too much , so that when he finally looked up at the end of the night it would be with something like desperation , a fear that no one was going to ask him to leave with them ; but the way he looked at you also meant that you knew he would never say no , if you did ask .
24 Could you also credit photographers on pages 6 and 7 because this is appreciated .
25 No , you also played the Beethoven C minor Concerto with him in Berlin in 1957 .
26 ‘ And you also pursue your studies in the salle à manger ? ’
27 They show a girl who failed to understand that when you marry a man , you also marry his family and in this case a family uniquely different from any other .
28 er , although you 've got your own artistic contribution which you also combine with
29 But you also go in , these days , for running repairs .
30 ‘ When you 've done research on a country for years , you also get a sense of which groups have vested interests or political agendas , who can be trusted and who has given us reliable information , ’ said Smart .
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