Example sentences of "you so that " in BNC.

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1 Abraham makes his request : ‘ Give me land enough among you so that I may bury my dead properly . ’
2 ‘ So you go to the bathroom and turn the doorknob — push the door open — go inside — close the door gently behind you so that you do n't wake up anybody else in the house ; now you go to the basin — put the plug in — turn on the tap — it 's a very stiff tap … ’ ( p. 196 ) .
3 Whether shorter or longer , the important thing is to make it serve you so that it becomes not a burden but a means of personal reflection and integration .
4 Take a pair of binoculars with you so that when you spot surface activity in a distant area you can use them to confirm or otherwise that it is bream which are the cause .
5 If you are living away from home you should bring your NHS card with you so that you may register with a doctor .
6 Another more immediate solution would be to combine an outing with others who live near you so that you could get into town on a bus and then share a taxi back ; or ask a car owner to give you a lift , in exchange for petrol money and perhaps some skill that you can offer .
7 I 've committed myself to writing some notes on it in cooperation with you so that we can take them back to the group next week to discuss with the others .
8 ‘ I know you did n't want me to come here tonight , but there is an enchanted magician in that box and I promised him that I would get him to you so that you could change him back .
9 Your own notes are personal to you and ordered by you so that it is relatively easy to find the material you want when you want it .
10 Move it further towards you so that the threads stick to the wire and break away from the support .
11 " I 'm just saying this to you so that you can be prepared . "
12 The analogy is that you are a robot walking up a hill , and your designer has built you so that you can only step north , south , east or west .
13 To create an alphabetical listing on paper or cards can be a great help to you so that new terms can be entered as you come across them .
14 ‘ Tell me how to please you so that I can court you . ’
15 You may have the carriage all day and take Lyddy with you so that there will be no difficulty about dressing — ’
16 I was going to tell you so that day Faye came home from hospital — Boxing Day .
17 ‘ And you asked her to give it to you so that you could return it to Rick .
18 If you are interested no matter where you live we would like to hear from you so that we can encourage other regions to accept Medau into their Centres .
19 Having worked out what you are going to do and being satisfied that you can do the work as well , if not better , than everyone else , how do the public get to find out about you so that you can start putting your specialism into practice ?
20 We need to know the effect the injury has had on you so that we can determine what type of medical evidence we need and when .
21 effective preparation so that you so that when you you stand up here you 're more confident you 're more
22 we 'll I know what we mean yep how do you prepare what what you physically have in front of you so that you 're able to put the point over effectively
23 Er and if if they would work they did n't want money for it but they would stay a while with you so that they would get their bed for the night and they would get their grub .
24 Er , there is a a little orange leaflet which has been placed on the seats during the day that many of you , I hope , already have er , for anyone who has n't may I perhaps place these on the front table , there 's a the , there 's another supply over there and , could I please ask that some responsible representative from each district would please take a few more of these away with you so that they are distributed in district meetings in the near future , and attention drawn to them there er , if there are not enough copies er , then I 'm sure the provincial office on receiving a , a request from you will make sure there 's more that passed on to you .
25 Why , I mean alright should you so that one of the would , is that , carry it around for you .
26 she 's just giving , she 's just give me an adult education centre there at Spinny Hill , Northampton and she said they put everything in perspective for you so that you know where you 've got to start , what is available to you and then she said if you go down the job centre and ask them if E T , education , employment training
27 door really , says I 'll squeeze the floor for you so that you
28 Now obviously if Isobel did that , she could write some notes in a form that was actually readable for you so that you could actually I mean I know the discussion would be more difficult but you would have quite a lot of information from her to go on .
29 It 's as well to laugh and I 'm , I 'm especially able to encourage you because I being a Christian know you know that sin wo n't have dominion over you so that you need n't be solemn about it
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