Example sentences of "you [Wh adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If we should wish to tell you how every one behaved himself in this battle , it is a thing which could not be done , for all did so well that no man can relate their feats .
2 Please hold the sachet in your hand as I tell you how a small handful of granules like these have the power to stop the world 's biggest child killer .
3 Inside the sanctum , Miller was once made to sit down with the words ‘ Let me show you how a covert operation is set up . ’
4 It 's time to get Britain working again — Labour 's general election manifesto — tells you how a new Labour government will modernise industry , transform the NHS , raise education standards and make families better off .
5 We show you how a flash of inspiration and a little cash can transform your house in next to no time
6 Half eight , Desmond Morris , Tiger and showed you how a cat could use a door knob
7 I am trying to give you hard facts , tell you how the traits of human personality are carried from parents to offspring , tell you accurately how the environment modifies inherited characteristics .
8 Then you 'll have the attentions of a top hairdresser and make-up artist , and we 'll ask you how the programme made a difference to your life .
9 Of course these headings cover more than one question and it may not always be clear to you how the interviewer is constructing the interview .
10 Again , the viewfinder image will alert you to the problem by showing you how the camcorder is seeing the scene .
11 If you are uncertain of the type of frame you want to use , or even of the very important role it plays in setting off the finished picture , browsing through the photographs in this book should give you a good idea of the tremendous versatility of frames , and also show you how the correct frame will focus the eye on the design itself , as well as balance all its elements .
12 Erm and I told you how the extroverts would behave .
13 With this in mind , we 've got a new rating system for PCs on review — Jo Lawton checks out Watford Electronics ' Aries Mini-Tower to show you how the new system works .
14 Part One — The Employment Service — tells you how the ES is structured and what it is in business for .
15 I 'd like to talk about the needs for and the potential benefits of an industrial strategy and then I 'd like to tell you how the employers view trades unions today .
16 Joan , Diane and Matt , so we 'll see if we can get good this time so show you how the same .
17 This is a BBC BASIC reference manual , it is not intended to teach you BASIC nor tell you how the Z88 computer works .
18 Many so-called experts will tell you how the game has changed over the last 30 years .
19 There 's nothing like one of Pilot 's thorough , independent flight test evaluations for telling you how an aeroplane handles .
20 Your PP tells you where the first five are , always starting with the object This might be as follows :
21 Descriptions told you where the routes went , not how hard they were .
22 As one famous sportsman put it , ‘ Agree to do something for nothing and they 'll tell you where the bus stop is ; ask to be paid and they 'll send the limo . ’
23 You can see the darker red blobs ca n't you where the , where the water 's gone
24 You 'll find the little diagram showing you where the pulmonary vein and the pulmonary artery are on page eleven , page eleven if you want to refer to it right , if you want to look at it in a closer detail tonight that 's fine and if you want to see what I 'm saying now in a diagrammatic form look on page thirteen now if you look at that you 'll see some , the blue vein blood vessels it 's coming out of the right hand side of the heart and if you look at the direction of the arrows , okay , they 're going away from the heart , do you agree with me ?
25 Oh the sort of thing where you where the faces all have wibbly bits on them .
26 Now these actually each each tray should have one and they actually tell you where the stuff comes from .
27 ‘ Come on , I 'll show you where the kitchen is . ’
28 I tell you where the jade is and you 'll … you 'll … ’
29 ‘ And I suppose my first step on the path would be to tell you where the jade is ? ’
30 But I can show you , I can show you the eighth floor and show you where the gang where is the eighth floor ?
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