Example sentences of "you [vb mod] first " in BNC.

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1 If you 're using delicate stems you may first have to make holes in the Oasis with a knitting needle .
2 But rabbits are always reluctant to leave cover and for that reason you may first have to clear the site with a reap-hook before line ferrets are introduced .
3 You may first come across this problem when a new baby arrives and suddenly the things she thought of as hers — like her cot — are taken away and given to the ‘ interloper ’ .
4 The calculations below are all based on weekly amounts so you must first work out how much your community charge is per week .
5 You must first determine your present fitness level .
6 To understand how to control your aura you must first realise that it is largely a thought emanation and as such , can easily be controlled by thought .
7 You must first become like the forest , a part of the forest dance . ’
8 All new managers recognise that , before you even get a few decent players in your team , you must first nip down to Ratners and buy yourself a really flashy pair of cufflinks .
9 So you must first ensure that your approach is to the right quarter and you must realise at the outset that mutual trust is essential .
10 For either option , you must first obtain a scout 's report .
11 A If you want to get your hair in brilliant condition before your wedding , you must first establish what it lacks — either moisture , protein or a combination of the two !
12 Faced with a rack of up to twenty different spools in the kite shop , you must first consider the three main parameters which govern the suitability of the line .
13 At the outset , you must first decide just how serious you want to be .
14 DEFINITE END-of-the beginning vibes for Heavenly , as one of our more maverick and thus of-the-moment labels made the now customary jaunt to the Locomotive for a night that proved that to make any inroads into the popular imagination , you must first step aside from the scene-steeped mainstream .
15 Farther south , in Fiordland , it is possible to fly yourself in to that spectacular airfield I already mentioned , at Milford Haven , but to fly in as pilot in command you must first be cleared by an instructor .
16 If you wish someone to manage your investments , you must first check that they are properly authorised to do so , either by one of the self-regulatory organisations — Lautro , Imro , Fimbra and SFA — or by a recognised professional body such as the Institute or the Law Society .
17 If , for some reason , you have to press some flowers that are not completely dry ( and you should only do so in an emergency ) , then you must first mop them with some clean paper tissues to soak up any droplets of water .
18 To work with Oilbar you must first break the surface film , which will reform when not in use .
19 You must first love , or think you love the woman , ’ he said .
20 Line , shape , colour , etc. , is there for all , but to express pure feeling you must first of all understand the nature of the marks you are making .
21 To take part in an auction you must first receive a catalogue , which lists everything from planes to teddy bears .
22 IF YOU have ever sent , or would like to send , a letter or postcard to the Soviet Union , take into consideration when addressing it that you must first write the country , then the city , then the street and only finally the name of the person .
23 To budget sensibly you must first of all know how much income comes into the family coffers each month .
24 You must first seek to interest the editor and to do this you must make certain that the essence of the story is contained in the first few sentences .
25 Before you can answer an exam question , you must first " decode " the question to find what the examiners are " driving at " .
26 The nub thereof is , of course , that you must first get to know your heron .
27 Many expert fishkeepers will tell you that to be successful in the hobby you must first and foremost be a water manager .
28 Division is all very well , but you must first catch your plant , and in order to do this , it means applying to nurseries or garden centres .
29 But you must first ask yourself what exactly you are fighting against .
30 Dealing with resuscitation , it instructs ( p 32 ) : ‘ If the casualty 's breathing and pulse [ its italics ] have stopped , you must first phone for help , then [ my italics ] combine artificial ventilation with chest compression . ’
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