Example sentences of "that she never " in BNC.

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1 For Dorothy is still not in focus , and one begins to think that she never will be , even if the correspondence of the Pounds ' later years is some day published .
2 The difference is that she never felt guilty about it , whereas I , who have devoured baby and child books since my first pregnancy test was positive , do .
3 She added that she never saw the suspected occupants of the house .
4 She thought that she never wanted to sleep with Jim again , that the bonds of love were snares and that she must at all costs leave as early as possible the next morning and never come back .
5 Neither of them seemed to realise that she never planned it .
6 The wise dragon so captivates his maiden that she never even has a second for longing , that she turns not from him to stare out across the wide meadows and lakes of adolescence .
7 Before she could add , as she was evidently about to , that she never bought anything at the door , he announced himself hurriedly and asked for her husband .
8 A real advantage of his girl , McLeish thought grimly , was that she never lied if asked directly .
9 Instead , she let him know that she never took guys home on a first date .
10 The one person who should have been with her was absent , having ( as Aunt Nessy had told me some years before in bewilderment , and with a valiantly suppressed trembling of the lip ) written to say that she never wanted to see her again .
11 Madame was our constant ; against the fact that she never changed her style or her outfit ( it was always the same dress , every night ) you could measure the changes in all the other faces and bodies that you spent the night scrutinising — faces subtly altered by a recent bitterness or passion , a body sagging under the pressure of losing a partner or made alert by the proximity of a new or potential one .
12 ‘ I sometimes feel a great sense of loss and disappointment that she never saw me grow up .
13 He did not worry too much in those early years of his married life , telling himself that some women were slow to conceive , but after twelve years and his wife still childless , he had to accept the painful fact that she never would have any .
14 What she did know was that she never wanted to go away again .
15 She was so busy talking to another woman , who was weighing onions , that she never noticed what the wee fellow was doing .
16 Jess had noticed that she never spoke directly to the old man .
17 All I know is that she never said so , and they 'd have had precious little opportunity , one or other of them being on call for two out of any three nights . ’
18 Her reply was that she never cried and moreover had never talked about it since it had happened all those years ago .
19 In the spring of the following year , 1957 , Marie-Ande Roussain , Edouard de Chavigny 's senior secretary , a young woman of considerable ability and renowned for the fact that she never became flustered , called Edouard in his office .
20 He was so much a part of her that she never needed nor wanted to examine too closely the nature of her feeling for him .
21 ‘ There 'll be men working there that she never sets eyes on , ’ he declared .
22 Even though she has become Princess of Wales , the price Diana will probably pay is that she never gets to wear a crown .
23 Dugan has claimed that she never had sex with clients .
24 I remember thinking how typical it was of her that she never thought of being wooed .
25 It seemed that bingo afternoons left her so exhausted both physically and emotionally that she never had enough energy left to cook an evening meal .
26 Naturally she pointed out that she never sought this adulation , quite the opposite , and was frankly horrified by media attention .
27 While Diana has been billed as the matchmaker in this royal romance , the truth is that she never noticed the romantic spark between her brother-in-law and one of her best friends .
28 She stood dreaming , trying to imagine what it must be like to walk up the aisle to the side of a man who was waiting to marry you , and so enthralled was she with her imaginings that she never heard him .
29 ( In fact , if one reads her work carefully , one notices that she never speaks of God , but rather of people 's concept of God , which may lead them on in their striving for justice . )
30 Clara had actually heard one constant church attender , caught out donating a small charitable sum to the Vicar , defend herself to Mrs Maugham by saying that she had n't really meant to give it , and that she never would have given it if it had n't been that her little boy had just given up Sunday school .
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