Example sentences of "that the people " in BNC.

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1 STUDYING the West Coast of Scotland from the yacht Britannia , the Queen is said to have remarked , not long ago , that the people there did n't seem to have much of a life .
2 I am lonely yes , but my loneliness is the price I pay in order that the people of the World may look ahead to peace and freedom and to a decent standard of living for their children . ’
3 He says he has now produced answers that the people understand .
4 But his reservations outweigh his praise : ‘ They may have done some good in creating interest in two people who 've made major innovations in twentieth-century music , but they 've also given a negative impression : that the people involved in this music have serious flaws in their personalities .
5 John Strafford of Beaconsfield was given a standing ovation after declaring that the people of Northern Ireland had ‘ more than earned the right to be members of the Conservative Party ’ .
6 He is perfectly earnest when he says , ‘ I feel that the people who run the big national companies are in my way .
7 Jonathan Glancey 's article on the Bull Ring ( 11 October ) , while covering the issues excellently , and clearly sympathetic to our cause , misleads your readers in implying that the People 's Plan is all my work .
8 Sources close to the talks say he ‘ decided that the people backing him did not have the interests of the club at heart ’ .
9 The problem seems to be that the people who prepare the lunches have never actually opened one sitting on a hill .
10 This can be expensive and you are always gambling with the possibility that the people who you want to hear your music wo n't come .
11 Morgan found confirmation of it in the fact that the people he had studied in most detail — the Iroquois — happened to be matrilineal .
12 Inside , he has always found that the people who buy the bigger houses like one or two very large rooms , while the stables and service wings at the back make smaller cottages for people working locally .
13 He went on : ‘ Our overriding aim is to bring terrorism to an end so that the people of Northern Ireland may live in peace and stability and be able to take decisions about their own future in accordance with the principle of democratic consent and without fear or coercion . ’
14 Speaking in Brussels , where the Community dimension of the drama is becoming a major debate , the Labour leader , Mr Neil Kinnock , said : ‘ Freedom is magnetic and it is natural that the people of Eastern Europe should lunge for it at their first chance . ’
15 Once again she split the party and proved in subsequent elections that the people regarded her family as the real Congress .
16 Now it has to be said that the people of that period could at least understand such notions as ‘ sacrifice ’ , ‘ propitiation ’ and ‘ atonement ’ .
17 ‘ It was a pitiful performance which clearly demonstrated that the people of Northern Ireland have very little time for Mrs Thatcher and her party .
18 that the people of the province already have Labour 's ‘ sister party ’ , the SDLP , to vote for and join .
19 But they wrote and edited with their eyes also on the contemporary situation and on the future , with a determination that the people 's faith and worship should not be swamped by the religions of their Babylonian masters , and that once back in God 's Land , they should not commit the same dreadful mistakes again .
20 We have learned only that he told the news , and that the people cried out in anguish .
21 I was delighted that the people of Britain gave him such a marvellous reception .
22 Except that the people he talks to on p120 really do believe they were kidnapped by aliens , and some were seriously distressed by the experience .
23 If their argument is worth tuppence it means that the people in the Markets area must have been aware of the inscriptions … before they in fact took the steps they did .
24 Arnold , the genial , unassuming son of an impresario ( and godson of Ivor Novello ) , cheerfully admits that the people likeliest to succeed in getting adopted as Tory candidates are those with the strongest suburban credentials .
25 On the one hand there is the lofty principle , spelled out in the inscription carved into the walls of Broadcasting House , ‘ that the people , inclining their ear to whatsoever things are lovely and honest , whatsoever things are of good report , may tread the path of virtue and of wisdom . ’
26 The Führer 's claim that his work had been sabotaged for years , and that the German war machine could run at full stretch now that the last plot had been foiled , was seen to demonstrate that the people had long been lied to in earlier statements that time was on Germany 's side and war production increasing .
27 It can be gathered from every conversation that the people 's comrades from all walks of life want a return to the living standard of the pre-war era as soon as possible , and do n't lay the slightest value on going down in history . ’
28 A Christian can strongly believe in a triumphant entry into eternal life for the person who has died , but this does not mean that the people who remain on earth will not still deeply regret their passing .
29 The anticipated sense of loss can be so strong and the wish to feel you have done everything the dying person wanted so real that the people involved will often comply no matter how outrageous the request .
30 It 's not true that girls dress up to impress men , or ‘ catch ’ a boyfriend , because I think girls know that the people who will most appreciate their particular look or style , or the fabric or colour in their outfit , will be their friends .
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