Example sentences of "was call for " in BNC.

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1 The extra meeting was called for by several committee members .
2 A trial scheme to test the viability of the proposal was called for at last weekend 's Bar conference .
3 An easy day was called for , using the new car — what luxury ! — to visit the northern hemisphere 's largest great skua colony .
4 I 'm not saying it 's hard work , like working on a farm , but they certainly do n't give everything to you on a silver platter , ’ she added as her name was called for yet another fitting .
5 Great nicety of control was called for , especially as a tank approached the upper position .
6 Prussia was not a power to be ignored and so , well aware of this , the Emperor decided that a further bout of personal diplomacy was called for — this time in Germany .
7 Emanuel Hospital , as it was called for two and a half centuries , lived quietly in Westminster into the nineteenth century and until a more elaborate scheme was developed by the Endowed Schools Commission .
8 On this view , a doctor could avoid liability only if he could show that , apart from consenting , the patient was carefully studied and examined in a context where specialist medical and psychiatric facilities were available , that the consensus of expert opinion was that surgery was called for , and that this was explained to and understood by the patient before he gave his consent .
9 He points to several factors supporting this conclusion : first , the patient was incapable of making a rational decision ; second , in his clinical judgment , further treatment was called for ; and third , the minor harm of proceeding without consent was more than outweighed by the major benefit , in his view , which was gained from his treatment .
10 Clearly more research was called for .
11 Availability is the percentage of time for which the plant is mechanically capable of producing full rated output of electricity , whether or not such output was called for to meet demand at the time .
12 The Council meeting was called for petty reasons .
13 On the rare occasions serious chastisement was called for , he was the one who meted it out , never in anger , always in privacy after deep discussion with the culprit .
14 The strike was called for 2nd May .
15 Our trusty electric breaker was called for , and ear defenders were handed out — they were absolutely vital !
16 Burton was physically falling apart , and finally a doctor was called for .
17 Another carpet was called for and our circle expanded .
18 So a little lateral thinking was called for .
19 Before setting it in place , though , an Ultratherm heating mat was called for .
20 For practical reasons , the subjects of these articles are not normally kept at the average stockists , but they are available , so some research into the lists was called for .
21 My grandmother was taken ill with a burst ulcer and an ambulance was called for her at 10.45 , but it did not arrive for two and a half hours .
22 The distinguished archaeologist Professor Lord Renfrew , member of English Heritage 's own Ancient Monuments Advisory committee , revealed that its opinion had not been sought until the third week of November when it finally was called for a formal meeting with Jocelyn Stevens .
23 So , Darwin 's attempt to integrate evolutionary and physiological biology contributed indirectly to the unification that was called for in Wilson 's 1900 programme and that genetics was to secure .
24 After a hard week locked inside a stuffy building , a serious lung-opener was called for .
25 The direct approach was called for .
26 ( To appreciate the reorientation that was called for after this period , see Latourelle , 1968 , pp. 207–309 ; on Tradition , see Congar , 1966 , especially pp. 196–221 ; on the trials of biblical scholars , see Levie , 1961 . )
27 His earlier work had convinced him of the importance of the home market in maintaining effective demand , so a new policy which emphasized its expansion was called for .
28 The New Zealand openers , veteran John Wright and debutant Blair Hartland , who was appearing on his home ground , were glad to face just 14 balls before a halt was called for the day .
29 If anything went wrong with any of the Cornish engines it was always Murdock who was called for , and he is described as ‘ flying from mine to mine ’ .
30 His help was called for in purely local matters , such as the corporation 's attempts to clear fishgarths from the Ouse , but he also pressed the city 's claims at court , and in 1476 was credited with the preservation of York 's liberties by his great labour to the king .
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