Example sentences of "was leave [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The first step was to leave Salamanca .
2 The result was to leave London without an elected representative body for the first time in a hundred years , and all the metropolitan areas without an authority responsible for producing an overall strategic plan .
3 The idea was to leave FRCN with the responsibility for national and international broadcasting : the Nigerian government would speak with one voice to its people and to the outside world .
4 At the time there were compelling strategic reasons for making this decision , but its long-term effect — as we shall see , a rather momentous one — was to leave de Gaulle a symbolic leader rather than the head of a partisan movement .
5 Her sister was leaving London with a married man of whom Claudia had never heard .
6 She could not have packed a more unsuitable set of garments for tonight 's escapade , but then no such prospect had even crossed her mind when she was leaving London .
7 Now Richard was leaving Oxford , it might be hard , at first , for us to manage on his salary .
8 He tried once more to see the Queen but her fat , pompous chamberlain rudely announced that Lady Yolande was leaving Scotland and had no wish to discuss anything with anyone .
9 My Treatise on the Novel , with a long essay on Ivy 's novels , appeared just as I was leaving England , and she wrote her gratitude to me in Egypt .
10 But Sir John French , already disheartened by the news that the French Government was leaving Paris for new headquarters at Bordeaux , was thinking of retreat to the Channel ports .
11 Yes , I was leaving Paris .
12 On one occasion , Du Camp records , ‘ Flaubert was leaving Paris for Rouen when she entered the waiting-room of the station and went through such tragic scenes that the railway officials were obliged to interfere .
13 ft informed us that he was leaving Salamanca for England on his motor bike , via Cherbourg , and that we could expect him in Bath on a certain day .
14 Hatch & Hodges was leaving Sweetmary partly because there was n't enough business from here south ; partly because the railroad was taking too much business other places .
15 Last month , Moscow Mafia chieftain Valery Dlugach , nicknamed Globus , was leaving LIS 'S at 3 am when he was shot dead with a Simonov sniper rifle from a rooftop opposite .
16 And then she heard a gunshot and the sound of a horn , and looking back she saw , high on Ballymacadoyle Hill , her own father and brothers and a crowd of others too , and they were waving and shouting — and suddenly she understood exactly what was happening : they were giving her their last farewell ; she was leaving Ireland , and might never return .
17 Chalmers has been at the centre of speculation this week , one report suggesting he was leaving Melrose to join Newcastle Gosforth .
18 Reportedly , the victim 's car had been stopped at the post as it was leaving Lithuania , and an exchange of shots had followed , although reports from Lithuania and Byelorussia offered conflicting versions of events .
19 He informed Attlee ( 13 May ) that independence must be attained ‘ early in 1948 ’ ( Attlee had already announced that Britain was leaving India before June 1948 ) .
20 But ships are too valuable to lie idle for very long , and Robert barely had a month in which to re-acquaint himself with his new wife and pat his young infants on the head before he was leaving John Street and Stepney again — through Limehouse into Poplar and aboard the Orynthia in West India Dock .
21 Clearly it was done at Oliver 's invitation and Rain would normally have welcomed company ; but in her glum mood she expected Oliver would flirt with Linda , and Linda would be amused at Rain 's expense , and it would be quite impossible to spoil their fun by mentioning that Oliver was leaving Kington Square .
22 One night , a Wednesday , I was told that I was leaving Holloway the next day to go up to Risley remand centre because my judge was at Sheffield .
23 Nevil caught up with Maggie as she was leaving Templeton 's .
24 ‘ I was leaving God out , ’ said Edward .
25 Rabbi Shmuel Zehavi was leaving Miles Engado 's quarters as Piper arrived .
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