Example sentences of "was take part " in BNC.

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1 Europe 's biggest joint semiconductor research programme , JESSI , booted ICL out of three of the five projects in which it was taking part .
2 At Cambridge , NUPE put a picket around the Union building where I was taking part in a debate and the police wanted to take me in by a side entrance .
3 One embarrassing experience involved Jan Leeming , the television personality , who was taking part in a film I was producing .
4 At the far end of the corridor , almost in front of the large window , at that moment filled with grey light and rain , my father 's figure could be seen frozen in a posture that suggested he was taking part in some ceremonial ritual .
5 Even when he scolded them for some minor wrongdoing , he would cite the great orators like Cicero or Burke , as if he was taking part in a parliamentary debate , instead of addressing two small boys .
6 Again , it is a peculiarity of unfair dismissal law that an industrial tribunal does not have the power to consider the fairness of dismissal where at the time of dismissal the employer was conducting a lockout or the employee was taking part in a strike or other industrial action .
7 A young man called Fitzroy Stanislav , from Victoria School , was taking part .
8 His most serious offence in that time was taking part in a robbery while armed with a crossbow .
9 There was such a deep gulf between the stern , dutiful world of my aunt 's upbringing and my schooldays , and the kind of lotus-land I seemed to have fallen into during the last year , that I had sometimes felt , when I bathed my baby or sat giggling in the park with Sophie , that I was taking part , not in real life , but in some wildly unrelated dream .
10 He seemed to be enjoying a feeling that he was taking part in a daring conversation .
11 Keen sailor Rod , 41 , of Nutley , East Sussex , was taking part in a yachting festival on the Isle of Wight when disaster struck .
12 W.G. Grace was taking part in a match for London County against Warwickshire , opening the batting with W.L. Murdoch and playing in a fashion which reminded contemporary reporters of his heyday , and C.B. Fry was scoring a century for Sussex .
13 A student at one of our universities was taking part in one of those unproductive confrontations between students and senior members of the university .
14 Gesualdo 's later madrigals , however fascinating their scent of decadence , are an evolutionary dead end ; Monteverdi was taking part in the transformation of the madrigal into something quite different , though in view of his dramatic and pictorial ability it is strange that he neglected to produce one of those suites of madrigals popular at the time ( comedie armoniche ) realistically describing women gossiping at the wash ( Striggio 's Cicalamento delle donne al bucato , 1567 ) , Venetian scenes ( Croce 's Triaca musicale , 1596 ) , or a complete commedia dell'arte ( the Am–parnaso , 1597 , of Orazio Vecchi ( 1550–1605 ) , the outstanding masterpiece of this genre ) , and a whole series of works by Banchieri .
15 ‘ Those waters were not particularly dangerous — perhaps she was taking part in some way in the ‘ pacification ’ of the Highlands .
16 She had the oddest impression that she was taking part in a play , for which she knew neither her lines , nor the stage directions .
17 From 1943 onwards he probably did n't miss a single performance in which I was taking part and he must have seen Us in Traviata every time it was done .
18 The balloon was taking part in a promotional stunt for a ballooning festival planned for later this year .
19 I felt as if I was taking part in history and the results were spectacular .
20 The man , who has not been named , was a passenger in a German army Jeep which was taking part in a NATO exercise on Salisbury Plain .
21 The popular butcher was taking part in the annual rally of the Spanish Point Flying Club in Co Clare yesterday .
22 A Ministry of Defence official was unable to say if the vehicle which collided with a truck was taking part in a British Forces exercise in Voss near Bergen .
23 to take part which should be quite interesting I have n't really discussed it in detail with him because I was n't sure who else was taking part and what sort of format we 're thinking of having
24 The Grey , trained by Colin Campbell , and ridden by Stephen Deasley , was taking part in his first race for nearly 2 years .
25 I also found time to undertake occasional voluntary speaking engagements , one of which in October 1969 was to take part in Lord McLeod of Fuinary 's Rectorial debate at Glasgow University .
26 All the actors are local people but the company would n't allow anyone from the works was to take part … she says , It was very disappointing initially but in some ways that makes it more important that we should go ahead with the project .
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