Example sentences of "was take the " in BNC.

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1 WHAT CONVERSATION there was took the form of reading out check-lists .
2 But every firm every private firm was took the advantage of the reservation .
3 All that the French needed to do was take the crossroads at Quatre Bras .
4 All the assassin had to do was take the piece of thread as I did , pull it very slowly , which hardly makes a sound , and murder is only a few seconds away .
5 Lord Aldington was taking the witness stand on the third day of his libel action against the historian Count Nikolai Tolstoy and Nigel Watts , a property developer , who circulated a pamphlet describing him as responsible for repatriating 70,000 Yugoslavs and Russian Cossacks to be massacred by the communists in 1945 .
6 While Karpov was taking the difficult road to a draw , Speelman and Timman were trying hard to beat each other .
7 Charles was taking the job a long way from the safe arena of charitable patronage and ribbon-cutting and into politically dangerous areas , where constitutionally , he ought not to be .
8 The thin , capable woman who was taking the riding-class looked at him in amazement as he leaned panting on the gate to the ring , the dog whining beside him .
9 I was taking the piss , suggesting they pour petrol over themselves , set themselves on fire .
10 ‘ He has the effing gall to say I suggested it myself and he knows bloody well I was taking the piss . ’
11 It came on 14 July , a day on which the French Ambassador had asked for an audience with King William , who was taking the waters at the spa town of Ems , and had been twice refused , courteously but firmly .
12 Nicholson on the other hand was taking the pretty route , basically because he had no choice ; no one was making him any offers .
13 The bar was quiet and he was taking the opportunity to do some washing up .
14 When he first came in I offered him a drink out of courtesy and I think he thought I was taking the Mick out of his drinking in the past .
15 And anyway , after all , it was nothing to say , I mean , that I was taking the towels over for you . ’
16 When challenged by the head gardener the Americans pretended to be a press gang , which was sufficient to set ‘ all the stout young fellows ’ on the estate running off to the town for safety , but he also informed them that their intended victim was taking the waters at Buxton , and Jones set off back to his boat , until the two officers with him pointed out that , having left Whitehaven empty-handed , the crew should at least be allowed to loot the house .
17 One of her joys was taking the bus along the King 's Road when that thoroughfare was the epitome of the swinging sixties .
18 And being the one who was taking the raw material and bashing it into the records I had to pick a time to leave where it was n't going to be a huge blow to everybody else .
19 One day , much to Dustin 's irritation , she asked the driver of the limo that was taking the two of them back to Manhattan to stop because she saw a wishing star in the sky .
20 She was taking the eight-to eleven-year-olds .
21 Craig : ‘ The funny thing is we had a piss-take album title which was taking the piss out of that whole thing , which we all found was funny .
22 And , as Mr Chapman thought , Kookai was taking the long-term view .
23 So I was surprised when one morning , while filling the kettle at the tap in the yard , I noticed some of our neighbours looking across at this cottage where a painter was taking the ‘ To Let ’ sign out of the window .
24 I liked it because he was taking the mickey out of himself .
25 Anglian Water , which covers East Anglia , with Britain 's fastest growing population and lowest rainfall , said it was taking the action to help preserve water stocks .
26 Mr Hodgson explained that in buying up so many small firms , who really could no longer make ends meet , he , Howard Hodgson , could do better and cheaper funerals and that no one need worry about the cost any way , because if the deceased or whoever was taking the responsibility of next-of-kin possessed less than £300 , the DHSS would pay for the whole thing .
27 One of the bigger problems was that Fergie believed I was taking the mickey out of him by either cheating or going soft and feigning injury .
28 ‘ I do n't think anything has been decided for Sunday yet , but if the boss was taking the chance to have a look at me I was reasonably happy with my performance overall .
29 Possible , but if I was a BNP yob I 'd think he was taking the piss and would throw something , and if I was n't , I might throw something anyway because nationalism stinks — keep those ‘ Ethnic Cleansing ’ concentration camps in your mind .
30 ‘ Not to Mother , ’ I said sadly , for she was taking the ‘ disgrace ’ very badly .
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