Example sentences of "was a time " in BNC.

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1 There was a time when it must have seemed to many of them that he would never receive a bad review , or even a cross word .
2 There was a time when many gliding instructors scorned the use of a rigid drill , and taught their students instead to check everything logically by going round the cockpit from left to right .
3 In effect this was a time when new worlds and new social structures were being forged ; and in many ways we were closer to the world of the underground than that of the moral majority , for we were walking the same ground and like many in the alternative society were ( somewhat unsystematically ) following an essential and perennial theme of history — that of man 's journey as ‘ hero ’ .
4 It was a time for fierce tactics , not for scruples .
5 There was a time when British clocks were supreme throughout the world .
6 That was a time when civilization
7 There was a time when the young eyes were slow ,
8 There was a time , just after Britain and China signed in 1984 their Joint Declaration on the Question of Hong Kong , when the colony looked forward with high hopes to the 50 or more years of capitalist autonomy which both parent-governments had promised would follow its reversion to Chinese sovereignty in 1997 .
9 This was a time when the universities were meeting the new challenge of implementing the Health and Safety at Work Act , which was designed for industrial and commercial organisations much less individualistic and varied than academic institutions .
10 It was a time when children were encouraged to fantasize about machines and outer space rather than marvel at the open spaces where the deer and buffalo roamed .
11 It was a time of great alarm in the Hindu heavens , for Ravana , the Rakshasa king of Lanka , had obtained terrible powers and was threatening the world .
12 For the West , as for the Poles , there was a time for obstinate political defiance .
13 All the findings of opinion polls and other surveys suggested that the overwhelming majority of ordinary citizens were convinced that the period of their nation 's history through which they had lived in the forty-odd years since the end of the war in 1945 , was a time of comfort and content .
14 For the remainder of the United Kingdom , this was a time when social or political upheaval seemed comparatively remote , and society appeared relatively orderly .
15 The time of Irish Civil War after 1919 was a time of hot emotion , of many murders in Belfast , and of religious revival in Northern Ireland .
16 The retreat was a time for fear at first , and self-scrutiny .
17 There was a time , no doubt — it must have been before 1948 , when the United Kingdom itself abolished allegiance as the basis of citizenship — when the pretence of daughter monarchies around the globe was harmless and even arguably beneficial .
18 There was a time when rock journalists were easy to characterize or , at least , to caricature .
19 But now , it was a time for truth and Phoebe said , ‘ No .
20 This was a time when Haslam learned the subtle art of keeping up appearances despite the fact that the world seemed to be collapsing all around him .
21 It was a time to dry out , three days of solid rain having dampened all but our spirits , and to finish our excess of the other kind of spirits before attempting to cross the border .
22 There was a time when five-star hotels were assumed to be better than four-star and so on down the line .
23 THERE was a time when the television variety spectacular threatened to take over popular entertainment completely , so that pantomime and seaside summer shows would be indistinguishable , all one poor man 's Palladium .
24 There was a time when he was forced to publish his own works , but now Arthur Barker has done him proud with Rugby League : An Illustrated History .
25 The builder could no longer rely on eye alone ; the Renaissance was a time for an order based on detailed knowledge .
26 It was a time when the whole underground culture was at its height and I was very much involved in that and had been since early ‘ 67 .
27 It was a time before I began to understand her a little better and realise that a lot of this was actually a sort of ‘ attention-getting ’ — a bit of theatre just to see how people would react — to manipulate situations a little .
28 Ken wanted to rake David to this thing on his own and David , being very , very cold — he hates demonstrations of emotion — and me being very Mediterranean , I told him that as far as I was concerned , I did n't give a fuck about his award or seeing him receive it , but I thought it was a bit much that his mother could n't be there because it was a public occasion and it was a time when , without having to speak to her , he could be nice to her , as every mother loves to be there for that kind of thing .
29 There was a time when a popular cocktail food was salame ( usually Danish ) rolled round a cream or cottage cheese filling to form a cornet .
30 There was a time when she was interested in their politics , their science , their inventions , when she considered herself a small part of the great adventure , until one day the feeling was born in her that she did not belong among them .
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