Example sentences of "was not from " in BNC.

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1 The universe , viewed in those pre-chloroform days , was dark and painful and horrible , and wherever else the human race derived its image of a loving , moral creator , it was not from a simple contemplation of nature .
2 I was not from a religious background , and I had previously thought that anyone who went to the mikva had to wear ghastly old-fashioned dresses with thick tights and live in a Yiddish-speaking ghetto !
3 Although Hitachi has been overtaken in the domestic computer market by NEC , it was not from lack of commitment to software development .
4 The rabid dog was not from here and no one knew a dog like it — big and black , with white on its chest and ears , and raw sores around the nose and eyes .
5 The wine for today 's Communion was not from the Old Farmhouse bar .
6 The Independent Companies had never taken a prisoner , although this was not from want of trying .
7 The Conservatives also were to find it difficult to forget that he was not from their side , but a Labour appointee with clear and continuing sympathies for the trade unions .
8 When the challenge to the court came , it was not from the heirs of the rebels or from the discontented northerners , but from the queen .
9 Held , dismissing the appeal , ( 1 ) that the applications to the district judge and the application for judicial review of his decisions had all been made by the applicant in a criminal cause because they related to the manner in which the district court trials should proceed , and so his appeal was not from a judgment of the High Court judge in a civil cause or matter within section 13(2) ( a ) of the Ordinance ; and that , therefore , since no other provision had conferred jurisdiction on the Court of Appeal to entertain the appeal , that court had correctly declined to hear it ( post , pp. 256G , 260E–F , G–H ) .
10 The tenancy was not from year to year but for a term which would continue until Matlodge certified that it was ready to proceed with the development of the property .
11 But as the pony trotted on under the cloud-filled November sky the voice that soon stole into Abie Klugman 's mind was not from his past or his future , but from his present .
12 It was a curious affair — the takeover offer was not from another shipping company , but from the Ingard property group , a network of companies making speculative deals in land , controlled by the financier Desmond Ingard .
13 If the murderer was not from Godstowe , and any normal outsider would have been noticed , perhaps there 's a third possibility ? ’
14 Her husband found her one day wearing a rose pinned to her gown that was not from his garden , and guessed it was a gift from her lover .
15 But while it would be wrong to minimize the hold of this movement , particularly in the south of France and in the Balkans , and especially between Bulgaria and Constantinople , the major threat to the future of the Church was not from the heretics but from the popular movements that sought to restore the laity 's role in the life of the Church .
16 When I was on the parapet of the convent wall I saw fresh horse dung lying near the main gate ; it was not from our mounts , but the lady prioress said no one had approached the convent . ’
17 A second after that and , her heart suddenly racing , Fabia dashed over to the phone — and was sorely disappointed that the call , though an outside one and not Reception , was not from Ven but his secretary .
18 If there was one thing sure about it , it was that Isambard had abated nothing of his purpose , and if he had halted his experiment in terrorisation short of the act , it was not from any impulse of pity , but the result of a calculated probability that these methods would not get him what he wanted .
19 However I applied and then sought the advice and prayers of Christian friends and we prayed that if it was n't from the Lord I would n't get accepted .
20 She was n't Russian or Polish , she was n't from the estate agent 's , and if he was in love , it was the worst mistake of all .
21 I do n't know if we can tell really much about such things , but I 'd have said it was n't from the same man . ’
22 That 's why we Slip Anchor won so far he was n't from here to cross the road .
23 His voice was pleasant and indicated that he was n't from this part of the country ; the South , she imagined .
24 Oh he was n't from .
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