Example sentences of "was to the " in BNC.

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1 The first one was to the house in Colchester to ask if they 'd mind if I delayed my arrival by one more day .
2 My next call was to the company that had been holding some of my things in storage , just to warn them that I was coming round .
3 He got out of here , though it was to the colours .
4 In these pleasant surroundings , we ‘ bagged ’ several of the main peaks , but the most interesting and spectacular walk was to the summit of a mountain called Koh , in the far north of the range .
5 The most serious damage was to the Bank of China 's amour-propre .
6 The herring was to the Eastern European Jew what potatoes were to the Irish , which is surprising , for the herring is a salt-water fish and in Russia and Poland one rarely got a glimpse of the sea .
7 The second plea was to the regime for ‘ clear and convincing steps ’ towards putting the country on a just , democratic and socialist course .
8 The majority cited was not in fact the Belorussian Communists , since Russians predominated : the reference was to the Belorussian ethnic majority in the republic 's population .
9 Dancing was to the Johnny Howard Orchestra and to Tony Charles and his Trinidad Steel Band .
10 Irony was to the fore when in 1925 he wrote of the Russian Revolution , but behind it was a more important urge leading him to the poem ‘ Le Voyage ’ of his favourite Baudelaire .
11 Portugal Place was to the supply of horse shit what Wimbledon ‘ insiders ’ are to Centre Court tickets on final days .
12 India , little of the capital flows took the form of a rundown of sterling balances ; ( 2 ) most of the investment flow was to the ‘ white Commonwealth ’ , especially South Africa ; and ( 3 ) the colonies saw net disinvestment .
13 In the first two years of this period President Milton Obote 's party , the United People 's Congress ( UPC ) formed a coalition with the Kabaka Yekka ( KY ) Party whose support was entirely drawn from the Buganda people , and whose ultimate loyalty was to the kabaka who was also appointed President of Uganda .
14 Eventually I reach the road and follow it to its top , surprised by how close I was to the summit of the pass .
15 The only styling change was to the headlamps with the plexiglass shells removed .
16 He knows all the villagers personally , and is as indispensable to me as he was to the previous twenty-seven Humanitarian Officers .
17 Still , some feminists believe that the article , just by raising the question , could be as devastating to feminists as Time 's infamous 1969 ‘ Is God Dead ? ’ cover story was to the clergy .
18 As far as you could understand him , this was to the effect that since the Government was rejecting any suggestion that it was to blame for this scandal , since most of the alleged swindlers were difficult to bring to book , and since the investors who lost the money nearly all live in Tory marginals , then the one innocent party — the taxpayer — would foot the £150 million bill .
19 They were to the 1980s what F Scott Fitzgerald was to the roaring twenties .
20 Before her brief exposure to pop stardom , she served an apprenticeship to a still-life photographer , and it was to the camera that she eventually returned , specialising in record covers and rock portraits .
21 But the commitment of governments was to the gold standard and free trade and , in 1922 , Baldwin reflected that , ‘ a free trade country , such as we are still , finds it very difficult to argue with a country that has a tariff weapon in its hand . ’
22 God 's call was to the Jew first .
23 The pulpit was to the side .
24 While there was a chancel and a holy table the chancel was not long and the table was not put against the east wall ; the pulpit was to the side , an unusual feature in Baptist Gothic buildings .
25 At the beginning of his latest resurrection , he was still insisting on wooden rackets , which , flattering though it was to the Cambridge stockists who were able to supply him , made Borg look a little like something out of an Ealing Comedy .
26 Its scientists were evacuated to Scotland on the outbreak of war , but German intelligence knew precisely how important Bawdsey still was to the defence of Britain .
27 At first his political allegiance , with several other de-recognised Maharajas and Nawabs , was to the ultra-Right Swantantra or Freedom Party .
28 Such farmers were very conscious of the impediment that their lack of knowledge and skills was to the future development of the farm .
29 Napoleon III had no desire to emulate St Louis by sitting under an oak tree in Vincennes dispensing justice to all comers , but in a more up-to-date version he went one better by donating the entire area of the park ( which belonged to the Crown ) to the City of Paris so that it might become for the poorer section of the city what the Bois de Boulogne was to the rich .
30 A favourite outing was to the nearby medieval castle of Pierrefonds , which the Emperor had given his wife as a present and which was being restored by the architect Viollet-le-Duc .
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