Example sentences of "was [v-ing] place " in BNC.

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1 Seeking to unravel police decision-making in relation to the classification of crimes , McCabe and Sutcliffe ( ibid. ) admitted that as outsiders they were usually not quick enough to grasp the nuances of what was taking place before them .
2 A PROFOUND shift away from the Tory Party among women voters was taking place , but many women still believed the Labour Party was too male-dominated , Clare Short warned the conference yesterday .
3 While the Labour conference was taking place the Prime Minister had a trial run with the televising of Parliament .
4 MICHAEL HESELTINE yesterday eclipsed the conference with a sideshow at the Grand Theatre , a couple of hundred yards down the road from where the full conference was taking place .
5 This occurred frequently during field-work , and in these circumstances the police concerned negotiated the appearances of the case in order to decide whether or not something abnormal was taking place .
6 It was in the Transport Workers , above all , that the main battle was taking place , with the Ford dispute leading to another threatened strike by British Oxygen workers , and finally a conclusive dispute amongst the drivers of long-distance lorries and oil tankers .
7 During the entire day he felt a violent , dissatisfied feeling that his whole life was taking place in front of his eyes without anything at all taking place .
8 At first the freemen of both town and country had an organization and a type of property which still retained something of the communal as well as something of the private , but in the town a radical transformation was taking place .
9 But it was evident that an argument was taking place between the adults , possibly as to whether their need of a refrigerator was greater than their desire for a mammoth room heater .
10 On the firing ranges , a more complicated event was taking place .
11 But that was not a pleasant thought and Erika firmly pushed it away , thinking of movement from a lower to a higher stage of development , as Marx taught , and such as was taking place now , she and her mother sitting together , no longer like mother and daughter , teacher and child , but more like sisters .
12 The group also said that the police had failed properly to appreciate the seriousness of what was taking place : that despite the racist nature of the attacks , local beat officers had lectured the Ks themselves on their ‘ attitude problem . ’
13 These proposals had come forward without any consultation with any health minister , and indeed without any of us knowing that such a study was taking place .
14 One of the frequent mass meetings attended by workers was taking place .
15 A serious discussion was taking place in the kitchen ( the hub of the house ) .
16 The hall where the Children 's Clothes Exchange was taking place was organized by another bossy lady in green uniform , sitting importantly behind a desk in the doorway .
17 The tale is told with the utmost economy , as if nothing unusual was taking place .
18 And given the brutalizing effect of the war itself and the undeniable impact of at least parts of the ideological message which had been hammered into Germans for years , by no means all of what was taking place and would lead Germany into the abyss was unwelcome or unpopular .
19 It may even have been the case — a suggestion emanating , admittedly , from a piece of post-war testimony — that the Reich Propaganda Ministry deliberately started off a rumour that the Führer , on discovering what was taking place ( in an ‘ action ’ which , in reality , he himself had authorized in writing ) , had given the order to halt it immediately .
20 The problem with the current rapid expansion of higher education was not that it was underfunded , but that it was taking place in the wrong subject areas , he said .
21 On the road outside the house , spilling into the gardens , sometimes into the doorways , a sort of miniature Calgary stampede was taking place .
22 I did n't understand what was taking place within me .
23 Something was taking place in my life that I had absolutely no control over … and I was happy about it .
24 The questions were asked to the accompanying sound of thunder and lightning , gale force winds and extremely heavy rain outside the building in which the competition was taking place .
25 The community was now devoted to coffee growing , subsistence plots had disappeared and internal differentiation was taking place .
26 The children all looked as if they did n't have a care in the world , that this was just another ordinary day , and what was taking place within the hall some sort of social occasion .
27 The public knowledge that such discussion was taking place was damaging enough for Mrs Thatcher ; it was accentuated by signs that there was an active campaign to line up alternative candidates to stand against Heseltine in the second ballot .
28 At an earlier time , when the Bentley was still on the motorway , a conference was taking place in the upper rooms of Jack 's house .
29 This conversation , occurring shortly after the conversation with Patrick recorded above , was taking place at Ludens 's flat , where a scrappy supper had been laid out by Ludens after Gildas 's telephone call .
30 Nevertheless , this is not to say I did not gain a fairly clear impression of what was taking place within the room .
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